buildship-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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[buildship-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Reinhold Degenfellner on Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle,
[buildship-dev] Committer Election for Reinhold Degenfellner on Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle has started,
[buildship-dev] unsubscribe,
Luke Plamann
[buildship-dev] Buildship Samrt Import support,
Christoph Läubrich
[buildship-dev] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Donat Csikos on Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle,
[buildship-dev] Project Lead election for Donat Csikos on Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle,
[buildship-dev] Project communication request,
Aleksandar Kurtakov
[buildship-dev] Build Eclipse on FreeBSD,
Norbert Grundmann
[buildship-dev] Unable to create branch on github,
Sainath Sarma
[buildship-dev] Looking for Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup Presenters,
[buildship-dev] Moving to Gerrit.,
Eclipse Webmaster
[buildship-dev] Cannot create a gradle project or convert an existing project using the buildship plugin,
Haytham Salhi
[buildship-dev] What makes good API tutorials,
[buildship-dev] Welcome René G öschke as a new tools.buildship Committer,
portal on behalf of Donat Csikos
[buildship-dev] Welcome Stefan Oehme as a new tools.buildship Committer,
portal on behalf of Donat Csikos
[buildship-dev] Committer vote for Stefan Oehme has been approved by the PMC,
portal on behalf of portal-noreply
[buildship-dev] Committer vote for René G öschke has been approved by the PMC,
portal on behalf of portal-noreply
[buildship-dev] Committer vote for Stefan Oehme has concluded successfully,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] +1 for Stefan Oehme on tools.buildship by Hans Dockter,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] Committer vote for René G öschke has concluded successfully,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] +1 for René G öschke on tools.buildship by Hans Dockter,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] +1 for Stefan Oehme on tools.buildship by Etienne Studer,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] +1 for René G öschke on tools.buildship by Etienne Studer,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] Vote for Committer status for Stefan Oehme was started by Donat Csikos,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] Vote for Committer status for René G öschke was started by Donat Csikos,
portal on behalf of
[buildship-dev] Tutorial for Buildship,
Simon Scholz
[buildship-dev] Gradle Forum vs. Eclipse Mailinglist,
Etienne Studer
[buildship-dev] Documentation on Buildship installation and Buildship development setup,
Etienne Studer
[buildship-dev] Buildship and the Mars Simultaneous Release repository,
David M Williams
[buildship-dev] Snapshots / Milestones,
Etienne Studer
Re: [buildship-dev] [tools-pmc] Committer vote for has been approved by the PMC,
David M Williams
Welcome to buildship-dev,
portal on behalf of emo
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