Scenario Configuration

You can use a Readable Unit anywhere where you have the option of:

  • number or string

  • integer or string

📃 Corresponding configuration file: scenario_config.json


Schema describing the JSON file structure for the main scenario configuration.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
simulation simulation Basic properties of the simulation scenario. ✓ Yes None None
federates object Defines the list of ambassadors/simulators which are used by the simulation. For each simulator (referenced by its id) a boolean value must be given, which enables or disables the simulator. ✓ Yes None None

Further property restrictions:


  • Type of each property: boolean


Basic properties of the simulation scenario.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
id string The id or name of the simulation scenario. ✓ Yes None None
duration string
The duration of the simulation. If defined as a number, then the unit to be applied is ns. Alternatively this can be defined as a string to include the unit of measurement (e.g. ‘300 s’) ✓ Yes None None
randomSeed integer The random seed to apply. This influences the application mapping, the communication models, and any use of randomness inside of applications. If not set, the random number generator will be initialized without a seed resulting in different results for each run. Note that several other simulators (e.g. SUMO) come with their own random number generators which are not affected by this property. No None None
projection projection Configures the projection used to transform geographical coordinates (WGS84) to local cartesian coordinates used by various simulators (e.g. SUMO, or OMNeT++). The projection is based on UTM and must be adapted to the used traffic network. ✓ Yes None None
network network Defines the subnets (e.g. used for generating IP addresses for each unit in the simulation. Each type of unit is configured with its own subnet. A default configuration is used, when left out from the configuration. No None default network


Configures the projection used to transform geographical coordinates (WGS84) to local cartesian coordinates used by various simulators (e.g. SUMO, or OMNeT++). The projection is based on UTM and must be adapted to the used traffic network.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
centerCoordinates geoPoint Geographic coordinates of the rough center of the map / playground used in this scenario. This is just used to determine the UTM zone used for any further projection. ✓ Yes None None
cartesianOffset cartesianOffset A cartesian offset which is added to the UTM transformation. In most cases, this must be the exact offset which can be found in the location.netOffset of the *.net.xml of the scenario. ✓ Yes None None


Geographic coordinates of the rough center of the map / playground used in this scenario. This is just used to determine the UTM zone used for any further projection.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
longitude number East-west position of a point on earth. ✓ Yes [-180, 180] None
latitude number North-south position of a point on earth. ✓ Yes [-90, 90] None


A cartesian offset which is added to the UTM transformation. In most cases, this must be the exact offset which can be found in the location.netOffset of the *.net.xml of the scenario.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
x number The value to add to the X coordinate after UTM transformation ✓ Yes None None
y number The value to add to the Y coordinate after UTM transformation ✓ Yes None None

Network Addressing

Defines the subnets (e.g. used for generating IP addresses for each unit in the simulation. Each type of unit is configured with its own subnet. A default configuration is used, when left out from the configuration.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
netMask string The net mask used for IP generation. No None
vehicleNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to vehicles. No None
rsuNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to road side units. No None
tlNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to traffic lights. No None
csNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to charging stations. No None
serverNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to servers. No None
tmcNet string The subnet used for assigning IPs to traffic management centers. No None