3D Visualization (PHABMap)

The 3D visualization PHABMap is part of MOSAIC Extended.
For further information on licenses, feel free to contact us via mosaic@fokus.fraunhofer.de.

The Eclipse MOSAIC 3D Visualization Tool is based on the PHABMACS vehicle simulator and uses the same 3D engine and models to visualize vehicle movements and various events which occur during the simulation. Next to the road network, which can be optionally rendered by the visualizer, the following units and events are visualized:

  • Vehicle movements coming from the traffic simulation
  • Road Side Units at their defined location
  • V2X-messages sent via cellular communication (indicated as green circles)
  • V2X-messages sent via ITS-G5 communication (indicated as blue circles)
  • V2X-messages received by vehicles (indicated as red circles)
The 3D visualization tool PHABMap displaying events from the simulation