Cell Simulator – Basic Configuration

You can use a Readable Unit anywhere where you have the option of:

  • number or string

  • integer or string

📃 Corresponding configuration file: cell/cell_config.json


This schema describes the JSON file structure for the cell configuration, which provides general configuration for the ambassador, such as paths to the regions and network configuration files.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
bandwidthMeasurementInterval number Interval in which the bandwidth is aggregated, given in seconds. No [1, +$\infty$] 1
bandwidthMeasurementCompression boolean If enabled, the export files with bandwidth measurements will be compressed using gzip compression. No None false
networkConfigurationFile string Relative path to the network configuration file. ✓ Yes None network.json
regionConfigurationFile string Relative path to the region configuration file. No None regions.json
bandwidthMeasurements bandwidthMeasurement[] Measure the bandwidth between regions. No None None


Object to define the bandwidth measurement between regions.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
fromRegion string Measure the bandwidth of messages which originate in this region (use wildcard * for all regions). ✓ Yes None None
toRegion string Measure the bandwidth of messages which target in this region (use wildcard * for all regions). ✓ Yes None None
transmissionMode string Defines the transmission mode which is observed. ✓ Yes Enum None
applicationClass string The application Class. No None *

Further property restrictions:


  • Allowed values:
    • UplinkUnicast
    • DownlinkUnicast
    • DownlinkMulticast