Simulation Results

Eclipse MOSAIC generates log files for each simulation run. Log files are generated for the ambassadors of each coupled federate respectively simulator and for the RTI itself. The log files are stored in the folder <mosaic-root>/logs/log-<timestamp>. For each simulation run a new folder is created.

└─ log-<timestamp>
   ├─ apps
   |  └─ <unitType>_<unitId> ................. Detailed application specific logs for each unit
   |      ├─ OperatingSystem.log ............. Detailed operating system logs for the unit
   |      └─ ExampleApp.log .................. Detailed application specific logs for each application
   ├─ activities.csv ......................... Simulation details in comma separated value-format
   ├─ Application.log  ....................... Application simulator logs, including information for all units
   ├─ Battery.log ............................ Battery simulator log
   ├─ Cell.log ............................... Cellular network log
   ├─ ChargingStation.log .................... ChargingStation ambassador log
   ├─ Communication.log ...................... (Ad-hoc) network simulation ambassador log (ns-3, OMNeT++, SNS)
   ├─ CommunicationDetails.log ............... Detailed output of network simulator (ns-3 or OMNeT++)
   ├─ Environment.log ........................ Logs of the environmental eventserver
   ├─ Mapping.log ............................ Mapping configuration logs
   ├─ MOSAIC.log ............................. General information, e.g. startup sequence information
   ├─ Navigation.log ......................... Detailed logs about navigation component in the application ambassador
   ├─ Traffic.log ............................ Traffic simulation log (SUMO or others)
   └─ output.csv ............................. Recorded data of the integrated File Output Generator

In addition to standard logging output for each federate there is a activities.csv file which contains detailed information about sent and received interactions. This file can be used to trace a simulation run for deep debugging. To enable this feature, the log level of the logger activities has to be set to INFO in the logback.xml (see section below).


The main configuration file for logging is <mosaic-root>/etc/logback.xml. In this file, the log output can be configured in great detail. This file can be adjusted to your needs, e.g. you can set up a more detailed logging for communication components but set a less verbose output for Eclipse MOSAIC’s internal interactions or traffic simulation depending on your simulation focus.

Eclipse MOSAIC uses LOGback as logging framework. LOGback offers a lot of parameters to adapt the output to your needs. Please refer to this site for a detailed overview of all parameters you can use in the logback.xml file.

Please note that you can adjust the output to your needs by setting different log levels (ERROR, INFO, DEBUG etc.) for each component in the file at <mosaic-root>/etc/logback.xml. This might also influence the simulation performance because of a possibly high amount of data to be logged.

Federate specific logging

Depending on the simulation purpose, further configuration possibilities for federate specific logging may be of interest.

For instance, OMNeT++ exhibits an elaborated logging concept. The omnetpp.ini in the scenario folder includes options to adjust the logging levels. The outputs of this federate are written to CommunicationDetails.log.