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  • [tycho-dev] Invoke maven project extension before TychoMavenLifecycleParticipant - patch question, Tom Bujok
  • [tycho-dev] surefire 2.12, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] please test staged tycho 0.14.1, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Local Tycho build job configuration on GitHub, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] New module org.eclipse.tycho.test.utils, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Fwd: [Bug 371680] incomplete p2 metadata for projects with RELEASE version, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Documentation, James Blackburn
  • [tycho-dev] I've added 0.15.0 version and milestone to bugzilla <eom>, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Running junit plugin tests with tycho, Anna Dushistova
  • [tycho-dev] Dealing with optional dependencies at compile time?, Anna Dushistova
  • [tycho-dev] Common practices for inclusion pom.xml's into source bundles/binary distributions?, Anna Dushistova
  • [tycho-dev] tycho-extras MirrorMojoTest failures, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] fragment could not be found by tycho-surefire, Cristiano Gavião
  • [tycho-dev] Performance issue with root data files, Dahanne, Anthony
  • [tycho-dev] contributing a patch using github, Dahanne, Anthony
  • [tycho-dev] require newer maven version, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Question on P2ApplicationLauncher, Jeff MAURY
  • [tycho-dev] New tycho maven plugin, Jeff MAURY
  • [tycho-dev] product archive artifact type, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] BuildOutputDirectory, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] programatically find eclipse-repository dependencies, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] dev call about metaRequirements (bug 351487)?, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Target Platform for Tycho Surefire bundles, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] target platform filtering configuration syntax, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] <optionalDependencies> configuration parameter, Igor Fedorenko

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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