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  • Re: [lyo-dev] Defect in the Bugzilla Application, (continued)
  • [lyo-dev] Bugs in the OSLC Bugzilla Service provider, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Proposal for Eclipse Day in Berlin, Ritter, Tom
  • [lyo-dev] Problems with oslc-java-client 2.0.0, Paschke, Stefan
  • Re: [lyo-dev] Issue with document format produced by Lyo for service provider document, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Issue with document format produced by Lyo for service provider resources, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Catalog referencing other catalogs, mohamed mosaad
  • [lyo-dev] Problem with progressing query results, Jan Steffen Becker
  • [lyo-dev] problem with the change management sample provider, James Jou
  • Re: [lyo-dev] How to using the AM domain resource type Link, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Difference in XML /RDF vs JSON, mohamed mosaad
  • [lyo-dev] How to using the AM domain resource type Link Type, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] PLM OSLC4J, Shree L
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo 2.1 released!, Samuel Padgett
  • [lyo-dev] how to use the org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.webapp?, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Where to implement the resource's GET/POST/PUT methods?, Jad El-Khoury
  • [lyo-dev] Technology.Lyo 2.1.0 release review request, Samuel Padgett
  • [lyo-dev] Eclipse Lyo - Issue with TRS 2.0 implementation, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Eclipse Lyo support for C++ or RDF/JSON libraries for C++, Samit Mehta
  • [lyo-dev] Log4j Warnings about org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.provider.jena Classes, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Challenge Adding Affected By Links to Requirements, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Related Change Request Not Appearing in RQM Test Case Results Table, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Invoking updateResource() on Test Plans & Cases Removes Existing Links to Requirement Collections, Requirements, Test Cases and Test Scripts, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Issue Getting and Setting Test Plan's Related Change Requests, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Strange Behavior with RTC Sample Code, Daniel Chirillo
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo OSLC Client for Rational DOORS, Marcus Engelhardt

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