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  • Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Managed Beans 1.0, (continued)
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Management 1.1, Wayne Beaton
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 1.4, Wayne Beaton
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2.4, Wayne Beaton
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Interceptors 1.2.4, Wayne Beaton
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Server Faces 2.3, Wayne Beaton
  • [] XML-RPC TCK promoted bundles refreshed, Alwin Joseph
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Authorization 1.6.2, Wayne Beaton
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Standard Tag Library 1.2.4, Wayne Beaton

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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