On 03/23/2017 12:46 PM, Max Rydahl
Andersen wrote:
Max, correct me if I'm mistaken, but Color Themes doesn't add any
syntax highlighting capability to other languages, it just allows to
change the colors used by existing syntax highlighters - that are to
be installed separately.
If so, I fail at seeing how we can infer anything regarding needs of
more language with syntax highlighting with installation data of
Eclipse color theme.
We have to stop only focusing on building frameworks for other
plugin developers.
I do strongly disagree with that. The community needs more users,
but also more adopters and we (the current active developers of the
IDE at large) cannot implement good support for all languages. If we
want to keep having the Eclipse IDE a polyglot and universal IDE, we
also need to put some efforts in having 3rd party contributors (or
by the way Eclipse.org project contributors) more productive at
writing Eclipse-based tools. In that sense, TM4E and LSP4E are
already helping.
Yes, so you are showing that
majority of users capable of using eclipse marketplace decides
to install a plugin for basic syntax highlighting. Nothing else.
See 1st comment, as far as I understand, Color Theme doesn't provide
any basic syntax highlighting. I used this example like I could have
used any other to highlight that the installation trend doesn't seem
too bad.