Hi all,
I found
It's mostly wrong. Here is the comment I'm trying to post in case
you hear about the article:
This article is full of misconceptions and mistakes about Eclipse
IDE and VSCode:
1. it's free: Eclipse IDE is too. And it's actually managed by a
vendor neutral community involving more than a hundred serious
corporate members, which makes it more sustainable
2. Easier File Mapping: Eclipse IDE has been able to open an
individual file out of an existing project forever. File > Open
File... does that, as expected and well titled.
3. Finally one true comment!
4. That's simply wrong, like so many other things written here:
VSCode has a marketplace and doesn't come with all those language
fully included. You have to download extensions for some of them to
be more useful, just like other IDEs.
5. Indeed, you took the *Java* Eclipse package, and you get mostly
Java. Now, if you take another Eclipse package, you'll get something
else, the Java EE package probably supports a dozen of languages
already. And many more are available on Marketplace and
inter-operable. Indeed, one has to select what they want rather than
getting everything at once, it's a different approach; but saying
Eclipse IDE only has one language is wrong. The list of languages
supported by Eclipse IDE and its various extensions is still bigger
than the list of languages supported by VSCode.
6. Wow, a second comment that's not a plain lie! I didn't expect so
7. Git support in Eclipse IDE has been complete for years now, and
several Git users clearly state that it's even on of the best Git
client on the market. On that topic, VSCode isn't better, maybe it's
equivalent, but not much more.
Also, you're missing an important part: debugging. A debugger is
something a good developer need to be taught. If you get taught Java
without being taught how to debug, you'll simply not be as
productive as you can be with a debugger. At the moment, VSCode
doesn't have a Java debugger, whereas Eclipse IDE excels at that.
That point is IMHO much more important that the 7 ones you
And really, the quality of the comparison is pretty bad: out of 7
points, only 2 are fully accurate. Please try to do better and, if
you really want to be professional rather than doing unverified
propaganda, fix this article accordingly.