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RE: [LIKELY JUNK]Re: [egit-dev] Participation in Helios build?
Finally I had some time to work on this topic.
Just submitted the change:
This only provides the "infrastructure".
No translation to any particular language is done within this change.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: egit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:egit-dev-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Shawn O. Pearce
> Sent: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009 16:06
> To: EGit developer discussion
> Subject: Re: [LIKELY JUNK]Re: [egit-dev] Participation in Helios build?
> "Zivkov, Sasa" <sasa.zivkov@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I'd actually prefer to just write our own micro NLS class in JGit.
> Chris Aniszczyk and I talked about this yesterday at the board
> meeting during a down minute. What we actually need isn't static
> fields for translation, but instance fields we can inject based
> on the current client, because JGit can often be used in a server
> context where the translation of the error message might need to
> differ per-request to suite the user's preference.
> So we're thinking a pattern like:
> public class TransportText extends TranslationBundle {
> public static TransportText get() {
> return NLS.get(TransportText.class);
> }
> public String repositoryNotFound;
> public String transportError;
> }
> TransportText_en_US.properties:
> repositoryNotFound=repository {0} not found
> transportError=unknown error talking to {0}
> public abstract class TranslationBundle {
> public void load(String language) {
> ... load bundle into instance members via reflection
> ...
> }
> }
> public class NLS {
> private static final InheritedThreadLocal<NLS> local = new
> InheritedThreadLocal<NLS>();
> public static <T extends TranslationBundle> T get(Class<T>
> type) {
> NLS self = local.get();
> if (self == null) {
> self = new NLS(... JVM default ...);
> }
> return self.get(type);
> }
> private Map<Class, TranslationBundle> map = new HashMap();
> public synchronized <T extends TranslationBundle> T
> get(Class<T> type) {
> TranslationBundle r = map.get(type);
> if (r == null) {
> r = type.newInstance();
> r.load(language);
> map.put(type, r);
> }
> return r;
> }
> }
> And code can throw exceptions:
> throw new TransportException(
> uri,
> TransportText.get().transportError);
> Client code in applications or in application servers would need
> to set the NLS environment before starting JGit.
> This might be an issue with the worker thread pool in Eclipse,
> how do we ensure the workers get the NLS environment?
> > Few questions:
> > 1. How to decide if a text should or shouldn't be translated? Is it
> only error message as stated above?
> > I assume (j)git output should stay parsable and some texts mustn't
> be translated. Right?
> IMHO, if the text is an english message that isn't a string required
> for a file name or file content or network protocol keyword, we
> should translate it. That's *most* of the strings in the JGit code.
> > 2. How to find, at runtime, the set of classes where to perform the
> injection of translated texts?
> > Is this already limited to particular packages only?
> Pretty much all of them. :-(
> --
> Shawn.
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