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February 18, 2010
10:34 [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 2.0.1 Peter Krogh
10:34 [eclipselink-dev] Updated Proposal for submitted DatabasePlatform integration Tom Ware
09:10 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.1 is released and available for download... Peter Krogh
February 17, 2010
20:08 [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.1 is released and available for download... Eric Gwin
15:34 [eclipselink-dev] proposed patch for bug 303110 --- JPA 2.0 test implementation for "PessimisticLocking Extended Scope" feature yiping zhao
11:07 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 303075 - createPrimaryKeyInstanceFromPrimaryKeyValues calls wrong method Gordon Yorke
February 13, 2010
09:32 [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.1 RC2 complete... Eric Gwin
February 12, 2010
16:12 [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 240061 checked into trunk christopher delahunt
February 11, 2010
12:35 [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 294803 Guy Pelletier
February 10, 2010
12:03 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.1 RC1... Eric Gwin
10:48 [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.1 RC1... Eric Gwin
February 09, 2010
17:52 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
14:15 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
13:52 [eclipselink-dev] Reminder - Code freeze for 2.0.1 tonight. Peter Krogh
13:09 [eclipselink-dev] Vote for Eclipse Community Awards Douglas Clarke
10:11 Re: [eclipselink-dev] unique nullable="false" fields have no ' NOT NULL' in DDL Tom Ware
10:05 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
09:11 Re: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build failed! Tom Ware
03:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.0 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
00:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build failed! eric . gwin
February 08, 2010
19:05 Re: [eclipselink-dev] unique nullable="false" fields have no ' NOT NULL' in DDL Dies Koper
16:05 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Tom Ware
15:42 Re: [eclipselink-dev] unique nullable="false" fields have no ' NOT NULL' in DDL Tom Ware
14:08 [eclipselink-dev] bug 300503 - not-yet-loaded collection not copied properly from entity to another Goerler, Adrian
11:41 [eclipselink-dev] Bugs 299389, 298949, 300302 - Updates to EclipseLink dependencies Tom Ware
09:41 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc James Sutherland
05:35 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 301184 - Several wdf tests failed on Oracle database Goerler, Adrian
February 06, 2010
14:31 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
February 05, 2010
16:25 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 300108 - Any changes that reference detached object will cause detached to be inserted Gordon Yorke
15:38 [eclipselink-dev] Check in for bug 299852 - oneToMany with embeddable key throws exception when adding element Tom Ware
15:34 [eclipselink-dev] Check in for bug 299847 - oneToMany with String key doesn't merge properly Tom Ware
14:36 [eclipselink-dev] Design: Path-based mapping support via XML Metadata David McCann
10:31 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination Sebastien Tardif
09:56 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc Sebastien Tardif
09:50 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
03:17 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
02:55 AW: [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc Goerler, Adrian
02:55 AW: [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc Goerler, Adrian
01:49 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
01:10 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Dies Koper
00:00 [eclipselink-dev] Project meta data is out of date for rt.eclipselink portal on behalf of emo
February 04, 2010
18:02 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 301888 - DB2: UpdateAll/DeleteAll using WHEREEXIST fail Andrei Ilitchev
17:00 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 301888 - DB2: UpdateAll/DeleteAll using WHERE EXIST fail Andrei Ilitchev
16:30 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination Sebastien Tardif
16:28 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc Sebastien Tardif
15:51 [eclipselink-dev] Updated r2.1 performance design doc James Sutherland
15:15 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
11:43 [eclipselink-dev] Committer Meeting Minutes Feb 4 2010 Peter Krogh
11:41 [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Goerler, Adrian
11:10 [eclipselink-dev] Important - Dev meeting today Peter Krogh
08:44 Re: AW: [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Gordon Yorke
February 03, 2010
05:34 AW: [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Goerler, Adrian
February 02, 2010
13:04 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
11:02 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Please release all Jars with full class information so that debugging is seamless Eric Gwin
10:27 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination Sebastien Tardif
09:09 RE: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build has test failures! James Sutherland
02:33 [eclipselink-dev] bug 301428: improve cleanup after "server-test-xml-mergeinherited" Goerler, Adrian
01:54 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build has test failures! eric . gwin
February 01, 2010
14:51 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Please release all Jars with full class information so that debugging is seamless Michael O'Brien
14:50 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities Pinaki Poddar
14:29 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities Gordon Yorke
14:05 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities Pinaki Poddar
13:52 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
12:39 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Please release all Jars with full class information so that debugging is seamless Sebastien Tardif
12:36 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities Gordon Yorke
11:21 [eclipselink-dev] bug 301428: improve cleanup after "server-test-xml-mergeinherited" Goerler, Adrian
10:26 [eclipselink-dev] SVN main commit: Bug#301063 - fix to query cache, jpa cache interface and extensions James Sutherland
10:02 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
09:22 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination James Sutherland
09:20 Re: [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Gordon Yorke
09:18 [eclipselink-dev] Re: setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Gordon Yorke
09:14 RE: [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) James Sutherland
09:10 RE: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination James Sutherland
08:57 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
05:58 Re: [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer
05:34 [eclipselink-dev] setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE) Goerler, Adrian
January 30, 2010
15:30 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination Samba
January 29, 2010
21:30 Re: [eclipselink-dev] unique nullable="false" fields have no ' NOT NULL' in DDL Dies Koper
17:14 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
16:49 Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
16:21 [eclipselink-dev] 2.1 Design doc for JMS-MDB cache coordination christopher delahunt
15:54 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
04:18 [eclipselink-dev] WG: [Bug 301184] Several wdf tests failed on Oracle database Goerler, Adrian
02:31 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Dies Koper
January 28, 2010
18:08 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
16:19 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 293868 - EclipseLink throwsjava.lang.InstantiationException if you try to remove andfind an object in one transaction Andrei Ilitchev
15:30 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 293868 - EclipseLink throws java.lang.InstantiationException if you try to remove and find an object in one transaction Andrei Ilitchev
15:26 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
13:53 [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink end-user documentation plan Rick Sapir
12:03 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Tom Ware
09:42 Re: [eclipselink-dev] "AVG(t1.SALARY)" appears twice in generated SQL query for JUnitJPQLComplexAggregateTestSuite's complexAVGOrderTest Tom Ware
06:17 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Dies Koper
January 27, 2010
19:34 [eclipselink-dev] 2.1.0 M5 complete. Eric Gwin
19:30 Re: [eclipselink-dev] "AVG(t1.SALARY)" appears twice in generated SQL query for JUnitJPQLComplexAggregateTestSuite's complexAVGOrderTest Dies Koper
15:42 [eclipselink-dev] Update: MOXy Support for Dynamic Persistence Rick Barkhouse
15:30 Re: AW: [eclipselink-dev] WG: @QueryHint(name = QueryHints.QUERY_RESULTS_CACHE, value = HintValues.TRUE) Tom Ware
14:40 [eclipselink-dev] 2.1.0 M5 Milestone in progress... Eric Gwin
13:01 [eclipselink-dev] Beginning 'nightly' build for milestone... Eric Gwin
11:52 [eclipselink-dev] SVN main commit James Sutherland
10:09 Re: [eclipselink-dev] ANSI inner join after LEFT OUTER JOIN Tom Ware

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