Darn it...
Ran into https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=174967
On 04/05/15 09:47 PM, Doug Schaefer
Good to write this down and get people working on the details
in bugs.
I’d only do the wizards once we get a scalable new project
wizard. The current one isn’t that. I may have one in my back
Is it time to start
opening bugs?
I'm thinking that a prototype of this could just
dynamically create content types for missing editors. e.g.
dynamically create a "C Header File" content type only if
the CDT plug-in that normally provides it isn't in the
configuration. The corresponding editor can offer to
install the Tools for C/C++ Developers from the Eclipse
Markplace, or just open the default text editor.
We could do something similar with new project wizards.
The danger is that the list of wizard might get a little
large; we'd have to maybe lump the stand-in entries under
a single category.
The list of content types/wizards would have to be
I think that this could fit nicely in MPC or EPP.
On 04/05/15 11:09 AM, Doug
Schaefer wrote:
The two approaches are not mutually exclusive ;).
On 2015-05-04, 5:15 AM, "Michael Scharf" <eclipse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2015-05-03 17:25, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Thus could be done at project creation time too. The user selects a
particular template and the
template ensures that the required plug-ins are installed. The list of
templates could even be
pulled from the Internet just like the marketplace client.
This assumes, that users create a new project from scratch. Most
projects I 'create' are based on code that I clone form github and
that I want to browse. This is where editors like sublime or emacs
shine: zero setup, just open the directory.
In this case, when I create the project, I don't know what's in there.
The only reason I create project is because eclipse forces me to
create a project.
Therefore the I like the jetbrains approach: if I open a file with a
filtype that is currently not supported by the IDE, they open it as
text file and they ask me if I want to install support for the new
When eclipse does not know the file type, it tries to open the file
with the 'system editor', which I find extremely annoying most of the
time. LiClipse does it right, by opening the file in a plain text
editor. This is what I expect.
The assumption that users create projects before they start working is
one of the biggest obstacles for using eclipse. This may have been
the main workflow 20 years ago when eclipse started. Today a good part of
development is to look at existing code and libraries which often
contain code in languages that are not part of the main project.
`git clone` is something I do every day and how to browse the result
directory in eclipse is a major headache....
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.
Original Message
From: Michael Scharf
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2015 10:04 AM
To: eclipse.org-architecture-council
Reply To: Michael Scharf
Subject: Re: [eclipse.org-architecture-council] The "Eclipse Projects"
On 2015-05-02 9:27, Marcel Bruch wrote:
I¹m a follower of the "start from a minimal platform package and
install what you need² religion.
Me too. One approach I have seen with JetBrains products is that the
IDE recognizes
that there are plug-ins you may want to install when you open a
file-type that
is not supported by the currently installed plug-ins.
Imagine, there would be some intelligence that suggests plug-ins to
from looking at your workspace. Instead of actively searching for
there would be a plugin recommender similar to code recommender :-)
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