This is meant to augment the packages (either downloaded or
installed via Oomph).
I don't think that the EPP packages disappear anytime soon. I think
that it would be very cool if we ever get to a point where the
installer lets you mix and match (e.g. build a custom package that
includes Java, C/C++, and PHP tools), and Marketplace might
reasonably play a role in that.
For now, though, this is intended to make it easier for a user to
take--for example--the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and add
Tools for Java Developers. I personally get a lot of questions about
combining packages/functionality and in my experience, explaining to
users how to use the p2 installer to add features is a painful
multiples step process. Instead, I can just say "drag and drop
Plus, these solutions can include things that we really think that
the user should have even if they don't know that they need it. e.g.
Code Recommenders.
FWIW, I don't expect that the Java solution will get used very much
as most of the packages already include Java.
Does this make sense.
On 01/05/15 04:42 PM, Marcel Bruch
I’ve no opinion or proposals yet but I’ve some trouble to contrast this approach with the existing EPP packages and (elsewhere discussed) Oomph-based standard profiles.
More concrete:
Can you elaborate how, for instance, the Java Developer Tools Feature on the Marketplace will be different to EPP Java package?
Bug 459905 sounds like this. Thus, I’m missing the key motivation for this step. I assume that you are looking for a greater flexibility than we have today with EPP. Is this the main motivation?
Will EPP packages disappear some time soon?
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