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Date: 2019-03-26


  • Dmitry

  • Tanja

  • Wayne

  • Kenji

  • Steve

  • Ivar

Action Items

Reviewed, discussed and updated the GitHub Issues,

Revise + Communicate PMC restrictions on projects

We discussed sending out updated information regarding restrictions for the projects in order to be able to release Jakarta EE 8. Ivar will send out the following message on the mailing list:

Projects may go on with developing new features as well as long as we are able to release Jakarta EE 8 and Eclipse GlassFish 5.2 versions with only the necessary changes required for the release (e.g. name and version number). These changes must be possible to merge into the master branch after the release. It is up to the projects if they want to keep the EE4J_8 branch for this purpose or create a new release branch from the tag created for the GlassFish 5.1 release.

Nightly builds of SNAPSHOT releases for the API projects may be set up for the projects and be made available on build servers, but may not be published through channels such as Maven Central, OSSRH or similar until the trademark agreement between Oracle and Eclipse Foundation regarding the javax.* namespace is finalized.

Jakarta EE 8

Scope statements for the API projects must be produced in order to be able to convert them into Specification Projects.


  • Create a couple of examples and refer to them on the eclipse wiki (Ivar and Wayne)

  • Create an issue for each project with tasks for creating scope statements (Ivar)

  • Set up a board to follow the status of scope statements on GitHub (Ivar)

  • Reach out to projects to create their scope statements (PMC)

  • Get approval from the Spec Committee for the scope statements (Projects, PMC)

The PMC discussed how to handle non-responsive projects and concluded that if nobody steps up, the PMC will probably need to do it.


Tech Talks and blogs

Community members are encouraged to sign up for Jakarta EE Tech Talks:

Community members are encouraged to blog about Jakarta EE and list the blog entries, to make the Jakarta EE social media aware of it to help promote the blogs.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, April 9 at 17:00 CEST (11:00 EDT)

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