Try in Web IDE GitHub action

The Try in Web IDE GitHub action can be added to a GitHub repository workflow to help reviewers quickly test pull requests on Eclipse Che hosted by Red Hat. The action achieves this by listening to pull request events and providing a factory URL by creating a comment, a status check, or both. This factory URL creates a new workspace from the pull request branch on Eclipse Che hosted by Red Hat.

The Che documentation repository ( is a real-life example where the Try in Web IDE GitHub action helps reviewers quickly test pull requests. Experience the workflow by navigating to a recent pull request and opening a factory URL.
Figure 1. Pull request comment created by the Try in Web IDE GitHub action. Clicking the badge opens a new workspace for reviewers to test the pull request.
Figure 2. Pull request status check created by the Try in Web IDE GitHub action. Clicking the "Details" link opens a new workspace for reviewers to test the pull request.

Adding the action to a GitHub repository workflow

This section describes how to integrate the Try in Web IDE GitHub action to a GitHub repository workflow.

  • A GitHub repository

  • A devfile in the root of the GitHub repository.

  1. In the GitHub repository, create a .github/workflows directory if it does not exist already.

  2. Create an example.yml file in the .github/workflows directory with the following content:

    Example 1. example.yml
    name: Try in Web IDE example
        types: [opened]
        runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
          - name: Web IDE Pull Request Check
            id: try-in-web-ide
            uses: redhat-actions/try-in-web-ide@v1
              # GitHub action inputs
              # required
              github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              # optional - defaults to true
              add_comment: true
              # optional - defaults to true
              add_status: true

    This code snippet creates a workflow named Try in Web IDE example, with a job that runs the v1 version of the redhat-actions/try-in-web-ide community action. The workflow is triggered on the pull_request_target event, on the opened activity type.

  3. Optionally configure the activity types from the on.pull_request_target.types field to customize when workflow trigger. Activity types such as reopened and synchronize can be useful.

    Example 2. Triggering the workflow on both opened and synchronize activity types
        types: [opened, synchronize]
  4. Optionally configure the add_comment and add_status GitHub action inputs within example.yml. These inputs are sent to the Try in Web IDE GitHub action to customize whether comments and status checks are to be made.

Providing a devfile

Providing a devfile in the root directory of the repository is recommended to define the development environment of the workspace created by the factory URL. In this way, the workspace contains everything users need to review pull requests, such as plugins, development commands, and other environment setup.

The Che documentation repository devfile is an example of a well-defined and effective devfile.