Limiting the number of workspaces that a user can keep

By default, users can keep an unlimited number of workspaces in the dashboard, but you can limit this number to reduce demand on the cluster.

This configuration is part of the CheCluster Custom Resource:

    maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser: <kept_workspaces_limit>(1)
1 Sets the maximum number of workspaces per user. The default value, -1, allows users to keep an unlimited number of workspaces. Use a positive integer to set the maximum number of workspaces per user.
  1. Get the name of the Che namespace. The default is eclipse-che.

    $ kubectl get checluster --all-namespaces \
  2. Configure the maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser:

    $ kubectl patch checluster/che -n eclipse-che \(1)
    --type='merge' -p \
    '{"spec":{"devEnvironments":{"maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser": <kept_workspaces_limit>}}}'(2)
    1 The Che namespace that you got in step 1.
    2 Your choice of the <kept_workspaces_limit> value.