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Welcome to the Object Teams project


OT/J: extreme modularity

Whenever modularity gets tricky, OT/J provides just one more dimension for your architecture. With OT/J there's no excuse for any architectural workarounds.

OT/J: extreme reuse

With OT/J any existing piece of Java code is reusable. Existing components can be adapted to specific needs in full adherence to your projects requirements and without compromising a crisp modular architecture.

Mature and fresh

OT/J looks back on a long history, but is is also well integrated with Java 8, and sports a leading-edge mechanisms for runtime specialization.

Object Teams Tag Cloud

OTDT: a pimped JDT

The Object Teams Development Tooling (OTDT) supports development with OT/J at the same level of convenience and productivity as the JDT does for Java: the OTDT is an extended and adapted version of the JDT.

OT/Equinox: a pimped Equinox

With OT/Equinox the advantages of Object Teams can be applied in any Plug-in/OSGi setting.

Tooling and runtime

The Object Teams project provides just the right tooling and runtime for applying OT/J in various contexts, enabling superior productivity.

New and Noteworthy
2019-06: Bugfix and Java 12 release
June 19 2019
Version 2.7.4 of Object Teams has been released!
See the list of bugs fixed since 2.7.0.
Neon: Runtime weaver matured
June 22 2016
Version 2.5 of Object Teams has been released! In this release the new runtime weaver, which is also capable of Java 8, has matured for productive use.
See what's new.
Talk at EclipseCon Europe
Nov. 4, 2015
Session: Runtime Specialization - Java has never been so dynamic before provided a fresh overview of Object Teams and included a first public demo of runtime weaving.
Watch the video!
Consolidation release
June 24 2015
Version 2.4 of Object Teams has been released! As a consolidation release this version has no significant new features.
Java 8 & runtime weaving
June 25 2014
Final Release OTDT 2.2
June 26, 2013
The final release 2.2 has been published as part of the Kepler release train.
Book chapter published
March 30, 2013
Service Release OTDT 2.1.2
Mar 01, 2013
The service realese 2.1.2 has been published as part of Juno SR2.
Service Release OTDT 2.1.1
Sept 29, 2012
The service realese 2.1.1 has been published as part of Juno SR1.
Final Release OTDT 2.1
June 27, 2012
The final realese 2.1 has been published as part of Juno.
Object Teams at JavaOne
June 9, 2012

A talk on Object Teams has been accepted for JavaOne 2012.
New: Slides and recording are available.
Eclipse Community Award
March 27, 2012

Project lead Stephan Herrmann has been recognized as 2012's Top Contributor.
JDT & OT Tutorial
March 26, 2012
EclipseCon Session: How to train the JDT dragon (with Ayushman Jain) included a section on using OT for adapting the JDT.
Indigo SR2
February 24, 2012
The service release 2.0.2 has been published as part of Indigo SR2.
Support null annotations
December 16, 2011
The milestone release 2.1M4 includes the support for null annotations that has just been added to the JDT.
Support for Java 7
September 23, 2011
The service release 2.0.1 is the first official release bringing Java 7 support to OT/J.
Talk at EclipseCon Europe
Sept. 13, 2011
Session: Bye, bye, NPE included a show case of using OT/J for building a variant without the burdens of patches nor branches.
Watch the video!
Support for Java 7
August 19, 2011
The twin milestones 2.0.1RC1 / 2.1M1 have been published bringing Java 7 support to OT/J.
OTDT 2.0.0 Final
June 22, 2011
The release 2.0.0 has been published on time as part of the Indigo Simultaneous Release.
Project Has Graduated!
June 8, 2011
The Eclise Object Teams Project has passed its graduation review. By graduating the project left the incubation phase and is no longer required to use version numbers < 1.0
OTDT 0.7.2
February 25, 2011
Service release 0.7.2 (for Eclipse 3.6.2) is available for download.
EclipseCon Tutorial
December 22, 2010
The tutorial "Hands-on introduction to Object Teams" has been accepted for EclipseCon 2011.
Article on Object Teams
March 27, 2010
The German Eclipse Magazin has printed an article on Object Teams in its issue 3.10 - Online version.
Object Teams at GeeCON 2010
Mar 22, 2010
GeeCON 2010 (May 12-14, Poznan, Poland), will feature a presentation titled "Object Teams: The Next Dimension of Modularity"Slides
OTDT 1.4.0 final
Mar 19, 2010
Get the final release from
Object Teams project created
Jan 27, 2010
more headlines ...

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