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  • Re: [tools-pmc] TCF 1.1 Release Review Material, (continued)
  • [tools-pmc] XTend back to XText ..., David M Williams
  • [tools-pmc] CDT Release Review, Doug Schaefer
  • [tools-pmc] Object Teams 2.2.0 Release Review, Stephan Herrmann
  • [tools-pmc] Memory Analyzer 1.3.0 Release Review, Tsvetkov, Krum
  • [tools-pmc] Request to release Linux Tools 2.0, Jeff Johnston
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7326] commons-collections Version: 3,2,1, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] TM 3.5 Release Review, David Dykstal
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7327] Trident Version: 1.2.0 (PB CQ3626), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7325] Guava Version: 13.0.1 (PB CQ6767), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] GEF 3.9.0 Release Review, Anthony Hunter
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7316] javax.websocket client Version: 1.0-rc5 (PB CQ7298), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7315] javax.websocket server Version: 1.0-rc5 (PB CQ7297), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Mickaël Istria has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Mickaël Istria, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7296] Java Transaction API Version: 1.2 (PB CQ7251), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7295] JSP Version: 2.3 (PB CQ7250), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7294] Java Unified Expression Language Version: API (PB CQ7249), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7293] Java Servlet API Version: 3.1 (PB CQ7248), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7282] hamcrest-all Version: 1.3 (ATO CQ7219), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7273] Patch for External Tools Framework, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7270] Code Formatter Unit Tests, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7268] Apache HttpComponents Client Version: 4.2.5 (ATO CQ7226), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Big contribution to PDT for Kepler: new code formatter, Jacek Pospychała
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7255] code formatter, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7246] Trident 1.2.0 (Subset) (ATO CQ3626), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Fwd: FW: [mtj-dev] Sequoyah termination stalled, Wayne Beaton
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7240] Apache HttpComponents Core Version: 4.2.4 (ATO CQ7158), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Sequoyah termination stalled, Wayne Beaton
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7225] Apache Commons Codec Version: 1.6 (ATO CQ7160), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Linda Chan has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Linda Chan, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7207] jsoup Version: 1.7.2 (ATO CQ7148), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7198] Apache Tika Parsers Version: 1.3 (ATO CQ7111), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7197] Apache Tika Core Version: 1.3 *subset excluding test folder* ( ATO CQ7106), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7196] Javassist Version: 3.17.1.GA (ATO CQ7150), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7182] XBean (Subset) Version: 3.12 (ATO CQ7149), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7181] OpenEJB (Subset) Version: 4.5.2 (ATO CQ7162), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7178] BVal Version: 0.5 (ATO CQ7146), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7165] icu4j Version: 50.1.1 (ATO CQ7163), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7161] Java Server Faces Version: 2.1.18 (ATO CQ7147), emo-ip-team
  • Re: [tools-pmc] [orbit-dev] Committer vote for Xavier Coulon ... documenting my (our) mistakes, David M Williams
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Frederic Leger has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Doug Schaefer
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7153] openwebbeans (Subset) Version: 1.1.7 (ATO CQ7145), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Frederic Leger, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Chris Navarro has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Chris Navarro, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Xavier Coulon has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Xavier Coulon, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7120] Java Unified Expression Language API 2.2.4 (ATO CQ7117), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7118] MongoDB Java Driver Version: 2.10.1 *Subset* (ATO CQ7116), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7114] JAXB/ETFw Integration (PB CQ7071), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Torkild U. Resheim has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Torkild U. Resheim, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7110] Apache POI Version: 3.9 (PB CQ7006) (ATO CQ7108), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7107] GlazedLists Version: 1.9.0 (ATO CQ6477), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7100] Apache SSHD Version: 0.7.0 (ATO CQ7096), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7097] Fix for bug 401479, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Brian Watt has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Doug Schaefer
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Brian Watt, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7088] Fix for bug 399829, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7087] Guava Version: 11.0.2 (ATO CQ7056), emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Mikaël Barbero has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Mikaël Barbero, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Kevin Grigorenko has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of David Williams
  • [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kevin Grigorenko, portal on behalf of emo
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7079] Photran - Parallel ArraysDerived Types refactorings, emo-ip-team
  • [tools-pmc] [CQ 7078] Photran - Patch for Bugs 397116, 397117, emo-ip-team

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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