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May 24, 2011
07:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5238] plexus-build-api Version: 0.0.4 emo-ip-team
07:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5237] plexus-utils Version: 2.0.5 emo-ip-team
07:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5236] plexus-utils Version: 1.5.6 emo-ip-team
06:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5235] plexus-interpolation Version: 1.13 emo-ip-team
06:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5234] plexus-interactivity-api Version: 1.0-alpha-4 emo-ip-team
05:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5233] plexus-digest Version: 1.0 emo-ip-team
05:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5232] maven-filtering Version: 1.0-beta-4 emo-ip-team
May 23, 2011
12:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5231] maven-reporting-api Version: 2.0.6 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5230] maven-resources-plugin Version: 2.4.3 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5229] maven-install-plugin Version: 2.3.1 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5228] maven-deploy-plugin Version: 2.5 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5227] maven-clean-plugin Version: 2.4.1 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5226] doxia-sink-api Version: 1.0-alpha-7 emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5225] Junit Version: 3.8.1 (ATO CQ296) (using Orbit CQ2207) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5224] Apache Commons Line Interface (CLI) Version: 1.0 ( using Orbit CQ1590) emo-ip-team
May 20, 2011
21:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5221] Jersey Version: 1.6.0 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5218] commons-collections-3.2.jar Version: 3.2 (PB CQ1421) ( using Orbit CQ1909) emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5217] Mozilla Rhino Version: 1.6R6 ( **excluding proprietary files grabbed during build) (using Orbit CQ1694) emo-ip-team
May 19, 2011
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5213] Valgrind memcheck tools options patch emo-ip-team
04:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5203] serializer.jar Version: 2.7.1 (PB CQ1443) (using Orbit CQ2134) emo-ip-team
04:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5202] resolver.jar Version: 1.2 (PB CQ1441) (using Orbit CQ2136) emo-ip-team
04:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5201] Xerces Version: 2.9.0 (excludes nested jar files) (PB CQ1148) ( using Orbit CQ2095) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5200] xml-apis.jar Version: 1.3.04 (ATO CQ1448) (using Orbit CQ2166) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5199] xml-apis.jar Version: 1.3.04 (ATO CQ1448) (using Orbit CQ2166) emo-ip-team
May 18, 2011
13:20 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
13:17 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Eric Rizzo
09:31 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 5195] New: policykit Version: 0.98 and up Eric Rizzo
09:24 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 5195] New: policykit Version: 0.98 and up Chris Aniszczyk
02:05 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 5195] New: policykit Version: 0.98 and up Gunnar Wagenknecht
May 17, 2011
19:50 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 5195] New: policykit Version: 0.98 and up Konstantin Komissarchik
19:48 [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 5195] New: policykit Version: 0.98 and up Wayne Beaton
11:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5188] plexus-compiler-manager Version: 1.6 emo-ip-team
11:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5187] plexus-compiler-api Version: 1.6 emo-ip-team
10:52 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
10:37 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
10:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5186] plexus-io Version: 1.0.1 emo-ip-team
10:09 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Eric Rizzo
10:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5185] plexus-archiver Version: 1.2 emo-ip-team
09:42 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Chris Aniszczyk
09:35 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
07:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5184] maven-archiver Version: 2.4 emo-ip-team
07:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5183] surefire-junit Version: 2.4.3 emo-ip-team
07:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5182] surefire-junit4 Version: 2.4.3 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5181] surefire-booter Version: 2.4.3 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5180] surefire-api Version: 2.4.3 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5179] maven-source-plugin Version: 2.1 emo-ip-team
06:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5178] de.pdark.decentxml Version: 1.3 emo-ip-team
May 16, 2011
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5174] Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.1 (using Orbit CQ1595) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5173] Commons IO Version: 1.4 (ATO CQ2677) (using Orbit CQ2831) emo-ip-team
09:32 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
May 13, 2011
17:04 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
17:01 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Eric Rizzo
16:49 [technology-pmc] Fwd: Re: Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
15:02 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Chris Aniszczyk
13:59 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
13:41 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
13:19 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
13:15 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Konstantin Komissarchik
11:49 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Wayne Beaton
09:33 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Eric Rizzo
07:30 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Markus Knauer
02:33 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
May 12, 2011
16:24 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Konstantin Komissarchik
16:05 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Gunnar Wagenknecht
14:41 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Konstantin Komissarchik
04:09 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
May 11, 2011
12:24 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Konstantin Komissarchik
10:48 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
04:04 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5169] Logback Core Version: 0.9.19 (ATO CQ3861) (using Orbit CQ3872) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5169] Logback Core Version: 0.9.19 (ATO CQ3861) (using Orbit CQ3872) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5168] SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j Version: 1.6.1 (ATO CQ4405) ( using Orbit CQ4412) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5167] SLF4J API Version: 1.6.1 (ATO CQ4377) (using Orbit CQ4408) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5166] Logback Classic Version: 0.9.24 (ATO CQ4375) (using Orbit CQ4414) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5165] SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j Version: 1.6.1 (ATO CQ4403) ( using Orbit CQ4410) emo-ip-team
May 10, 2011
21:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5164] java impl of json parser Version: 2008-09-18 (ATO CQ3453 ) (using Orbit CQ3603) emo-ip-team
21:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5163] JAX-RS (JSR311) API Version: 1.1.1 (ATO CQ4512) ( using Orbit CQ4514) emo-ip-team
16:22 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Chris Aniszczyk
11:38 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Konstantin Komissarchik
11:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5162] jakarta-httpclient-4.1 Version: 4.1 (ATO CQ4839) ( using Orbit CQ4840) emo-ip-team
10:59 Re: [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Chris Aniszczyk
08:02 [technology-pmc] Asking for Approval of Jubula 1.0.0 Graduation/Release review Achim Lörke
07:55 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Kevin Sawicki has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk
00:00 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kevin Sawicki portal on behalf of emo
May 07, 2011
11:32 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Chris Aniszczyk has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
11:32 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Jesse McConnell has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
11:32 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for David Carver has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
00:00 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Chris Aniszczyk portal on behalf of emo
00:00 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jesse McConnell portal on behalf of emo
00:00 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for David Carver portal on behalf of emo
May 06, 2011
15:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5150] tycho emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5148] JUnit Version: 4.5 (Including Hamcrest Core Jar 1.1) (ATO CQ2583) - SUBSET using Hamcrest Core files only (using Orbit CQ3224) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5146] sat4j Version: 2.2.0 2010 04 20 (using Orbit CQ3911) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5144] Jetty (Subset) Version: 6.1.23 (ATO CQ3915) (using Orbit CQ3934) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5143] Junit Version: 3.8.2 (ATO CQ299) (using Orbit CQ2206) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5142] junit Version: 4.8.1 (ATO CQ3677) (using Orbit CQ3678) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5141] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (using Orbit CQ1907) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5140] Apache HttpClient 3.1 (PB1765) (using Orbit CQ1857) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5139] Commons Codec Version: 1.3 (ATO CQ131) (using Orbit CQ2208) emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5138] Java Servlet API Version: 2.5 + jsp_2_0.xsd (PB CQ1961) ( using Orbit CQ2075) emo-ip-team
May 04, 2011
12:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 5130] Translation patch (zh) for ACTF (2nd part) emo-ip-team

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