Hi everybody
I've done a very basic test - used my baseline setup as starting point to qualify that the system is working - so taking out any network, setup ext before switch over to the new mosquitto clustered option. Very basic test - 2 servers running mosquitto behind LB and 1000 client connection to the LB, splitting the load 50%/50% with one subscriber listening for all messages using "#"
The client all connect but the subscriber fails to receive the published online message from the clients. So each client starts up will inform mosquitto it will be using LWT & once connected, publish an online message
Only received about 280 connected message out of the 1000....small test that showing some problem somewhere. Using a more real world scenario where network latency will play a role and the clients & subscriber for message maybe on a different network
So the setup is simple:
* 2xServers running mosquitto on private network on AWS using t2.micro EC2 instance
* Using latest AWS LB (TCP option) forwardnig to those to EC2 instances
* Then running my 1000 client from my own network in office to sim clients out in the field - so not running them in AWS
* To make thing more handy - running the subscriber client on different laptop in the office
The above scenario pass my normal setup using 2 subscribers to mosquitto and 1000 clients - I get all my connected messages and can also push message to all clients with no issue - so not the EC2 or LB or network in our around AWS/OFfice
Switching then to mosquitto cluster and do the same test, I can only get about 1/4 of the message & pushing message fails to get them...i have to send a lot of pub message to trigger the client to respond. . . but I never get the result on the subscriber side
Hope this helps and provide some idea where problem may be - - - but setup should be clients & workers/sub not in the same network as the broker and see if you can replicate this issue
(Or maybe my testing is flawed :))...but this is a real world scenario ..the clients and sub can be on different networks with latency but should not stop the system from working
Warm regards
Izak S Smit (Oegma)