On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 08:23, Don Santillan <
donzymeth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I really really appreciate your effort giving me these information.
> I hope our friends from the jetty team would give us some help regarding
> this.
> I'll try your troubleshooting suggestions while waiting for other people who
> was able to make this work.
> Thanks a lot.
> -don
> Boris Hamanov wrote:
>> I don't know about jconsole I never tried it. Make sure the host you are
>> using is valid and client mashine can resolve it. See that those ports are
>> open on the target mashine. Test the connectivity with some tool like
>> TCPping. If connectivity is ok, try to enable JMX debug in jetty (I don't
>> know how) or in Jconsole. Maybe jconsole does not understand the URL
>> properly? And finally, wait and pray for help from jetty developers.
>> Although I did not get any up to this point :)
>> I now run VisualVm locally and monitor it with remote desktop. That
>> solutions is much more secure and convenient, because JMX can manipulate the
>> server and I was unable to secure it as I mentioned before. I don't even
>> know how to use login credentials to JMS in Jetty, it should be possible,
>> but no mention of it anywhere.
>> Best Regards
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Don Santillan" <
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:02 PM
>> To: "JETTY user mailing list" <
>> Subject: Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 7 and JMX Console JConsole help
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for the info. Your solution makes sense but it still won't work
>>> on my end.
>>> I also have already opened up all the ports on my firewall just to make
>>> this to work but it still doesn't work.
>>> Here's my new service URL from startup jetty log:
>>> service:jmx:rmi://
>>> Is there a configuration in jetty where I should set the
remote.hastname.com? Maybe I should set my "
remote.hostname.com" name in
>>> jetty for this to work?
>>> -don
>>> Boris Hamanov wrote:
>>>> I have connected susscesfully to remote jetty server with VisualVm. I
>>>> had difficulties at first because of my firewall. You have to open two ports
>>>> in it, one for JMX, one for the RMI registry.
>>>> I was unable to do this via SSH though, because visualVm was not working
>>>> properly with my socks for whatever reason and tunnels also did not work,
>>>> because of the stupid persistence of this program to use host other than
>>>> localhost (It says localhost is already monitored as local) But you should
>>>> be able to do SSH with Jconsole I think. I any case you need those two ports
>>>> to be accesible. I see that you service URL only has one port specified.
>>>> This is wrong. See below the end of my jetty-jmx.xml config, use that and
>>>> then use the exact service URL produced in startup by jetty! GL!
>>>> <!-- In order to connect to the JMX server remotely from a different
>>>> process, possibly running on a different host, Jetty JMX module
>>>> can create a remote JMX connector. It requires RMI registry to
>>>> be started prior to creating the connector server because the
>>>> JMX specification uses RMI to facilitate connections.
>>>> -->
>>>> <!-- Optionally start the RMI registry. Normally RMI registry runs on
>>>> port 1099. The argument below can be changed in order to comply
>>>> with the firewall requirements.
>>>> -->
>>>> <Call name="createRegistry" class="java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry">
>>>> <!-- RMI registry port 1099-->
>>>> <Arg type="java.lang.Integer">1099</Arg>
>>>> <Call name="sleep" class="java.lang.Thread">
>>>> <Arg type="java.lang.Integer">1000</Arg>
>>>> </Call>
>>>> </Call>
>>>> <!-- Optionally add a remote JMX connector. The parameters of the
>>>> constructor
>>>> below specify the JMX service URL, and the object name string for
>>>> the
>>>> connector server bean. The parameters of the JMXServiceURL
>>>> constructor
>>>> specify the protocol that clients will use to connect to the remote
>>>> JMX
>>>> connector (RMI), the hostname of the server (local hostname), port
>>>> number
>>>> (automatically assigned), and the URL path. Note that URL path
>>>> contains
>>>> the RMI registry hostname and port number, that may need to be
>>>> modified
>>>> in order to comply with the firewall requirements.
>>>> -->
>>>> <New id="ConnectorServer"
>>>> class="org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.ConnectorServer">
>>>> <Arg>
>>>> <New class="javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL">
>>>> <Arg type="java.lang.String">rmi</Arg>
>>>> <Arg type="java.lang.String">somehost</Arg>
>>>> <!-- JMX port 1799 -->
>>>> <Arg type="java.lang.Integer">1799</Arg>
>>>> <!-- RMI registry port 1099-->
>>>> <Arg
>>>> type="java.lang.String">/jndi/rmi://somehost:1099/jettyjmx</Arg>
>>>> </New>
>>>> </Arg>
>>>> <Arg>org.eclipse.jetty:name=rmiconnectorserver</Arg>
>>>> <Call name="start" />
>>>> </New>
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "Don Santillan" <
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:34 AM
>>>> To: "JETTY user mailing list" <
>>>> Subject: [jetty-users] Jetty 7 and JMX Console JConsole help
>>>>> Changed subject.
>>>>> Any idea? Anyone?
>>>>> Don Santillan wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I've been struggling making JMX using JConsole to connect to a remote
>>>>>> Jetty 7 server.
>>>>>> I was able to do a successful connection to a local server but not to
>>>>>> a remote one.
>>>>>> My Jetty on the remote server comes from a fresh installation.
>>>>>> Can anybody tell me the trick how to make this work?
>>>>>> Here's what I did so far:
>>>>>> 1. In start.ini, I uncommented -exec and
>>>>>> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
>>>>>> 2. Running /etc/init.d/jetty start, I can see
>>>>>> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote set from ps aux | grep java.
>>>>>> 3. Run JConsole and connect to remote url using the
>>>>>> service:jmx:rmi://
>>>>>> -don
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