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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Oracle's position on Jakarta EE 9

(Sorry, formatting messed up, try again...)

Erik Brangs wrote on 10/3/19 1:45 PM:
> b) If the consensus is to remove JAX-WS, it really should be deprecated or
> marked optional first. As far as I know, this has not happened for JAX-WS in
> the Java EE or Jakarta EE context. Jakarta EE shouldn't feel the need to drop
> support for technologies just because they are no longer supported in the
> JDK.
JAX-WS was moved into Java SE 6, was deprecated in Java SE 9, and was removed
from Java SE in Java SE 11.  The issue is whether to move JAX-WS et. al. back
into Jakarta EE for Jakarta EE 9, or just leave them as separate standalone
specs that a Jakarta EE 9 vendor can add to their product.

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