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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Oracle's position on Jakarta EE 9


On 03.10.2019 19:41, Reza Rahman wrote:
> It's not an easy call but I think the right call is to remove JAX-WS. It's hard to claim "cloud native Java" while carrying around SOAP as baggage. As you note, vendors can still continue to support SOAP users for the indefinite future.

I disagree on several points:

a) I don't agree with removing JAX-WS. The claim of "cloud native Java" shouldn't (need to) come at the expense of support for on-premise deployments.

b) If the consensus is to remove JAX-WS, it really should be deprecated or marked optional first. As far as I know, this has not happened for JAX-WS in the Java EE or Jakarta EE context. Jakarta EE shouldn't feel the need to drop support for technologies just because they are no longer supported in the JDK.

c) Backwards compatibility was always a strength of Jakarta EE. Should the first "real" release of Jakarta really break with this tradition? I can only speak for myself, but If I was fine with frequent breaking API changes on short notice, I'd be using Spring.

Personally, I'm hoping for Jakarta EE 9 that delivers the renaming to the Jakarta namespace but doesn't introduce any breaking changes. Introducing new features or deprecating API elements would be fine for me. Using deprecation gives everyone a chance to contact the application server vendors to complain or to ask for help.

Kind regards,

Erik Brangs

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