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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Transitioning Jakarta EE to the jakarta namespace

Hi Mike, 
The one that used to be under JCP. If it's not being proposed under Jakarta then no issue, yet.

Anyway, seems like there is a plan in place should this happen, I just wanted to check with the community, as we are changing namespaces now so we should think about it, it's not something we should do all the time. (Changing namespaces)


On Fri, 27 Sep 2019, 14:20 Mike Milinkovich, <mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2019-09-26 8:51 p.m., Phillip Kruger wrote:
So are the Config that is proposed under Jakarta a new Config API or the one from MicroProfile ?

My apologies, but I am not aware of any Config API proposal under Jakarta EE. Do you have a specific reference you can point me to?


Mike Milinkovich

Executive Director | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.



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