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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Transitioning Jakarta EE to the jakarta namespace

A fairly simple way to solve this is doing exactly what needs to be done for javax.

* Freeze mature MicroProfile APIs ready to move to Jakarta.
* Move these APIs properly to Jakarta as-is.
* At the runtime level, resolve org.eclipse.microprofile.* to jakarta.*.
* Make future changes under Jakarta.

Reza Rahman
Principal Program Manager
Java on Azure

Please note that views here are my own as an individual community member and do not represent the views of my employer.

On 9/26/2019 8:51 PM, Phillip Kruger wrote:
Hi Mike.
So are the Config that is proposed under Jakarta a new Config API or the one from MicroProfile ?

* If it's a new one, we then have 2 Config APIs. This is not good for us nor for the users.
* If it's the MicroProfile Config API that is moving to Jakarta, my original concern is valid. This means that everytime that an API move between these communities it will cause a change, not only internally for other MicroProfile APIs, but more importantly our uses.

We have this one chance that our users needs to change package names anyway due to javax, we should make sure we do this correctly.

Either MicroProfile needs to become a sub brand of Jakara and also make the change from org.eclipse.* to Jakara now (so we still only effect users once) or we need to find a brand (and org - so my initial org.eclipse suggestion is bad) namespace to be used by both (and future) communities.

This is what we had with javax.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 8:33 PM Mike Milinkovich <mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2019-09-26 11:24 a.m., Thomas Andraschko wrote:
IMO independent of MicroProfile or any other possible API which will be a part of Jakarta in the future, all specs in Jakarta needs the same "jakarta" namespace.
AFAIK, that is also the position of the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. I don't believe this is in any way a controversial statement. So just as Config expected to switch to the javax namespace when it was under the JCP, it should expect to switch to the jakarta namespace if it re-hosted there.

Mike Milinkovich

Executive Director | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.



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