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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] javax.inject

Mark Struberg wrote on 6/7/19 7:35 AM:

Anyway. Given your interpretation of the legal situation we have 2 conclusions:
* javax.inject should better also get moved to jakarta.inject
* big bang is the way to go, incremental is basically off the table due to legal considerations (in your interpretation we would still need to _also_ pass the old EE TCKs - which are not freely available)

The second bullet is not entirely correct.  Use of the EE TCKs is not required; the freely available Jakarta EE TCKs are sufficient.  However, those TCKs do, and must continue to, impose the same compatibility requirements on implementations of the javax APIs, including the requirement to be based on only Java SE Compatible runtimes.  It's this latter requirement that Mike was alluding to.

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