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  • Re: [iot-wg] Community metrics for Eclipse IoT projects (ACTION REQUIRED for project leads), (continued)
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Unconference, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Press coverage of Open IoT Stack announcement, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] MicroEJ platform for IoT : presentation of a new Eclipse IoT member, Fred Rivard, PhD
  • [iot-wg] Reschedule: IoT IMR Project Proposal Webinar, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT IMR Project proposal presentation, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] EclipseCon CfP - IoT Theme Day, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Bosch Software Innovations wants to join IoT Working Group, Weinmann Olaf
  • [iot-wg] [Event] Eclipse IoT - Softwareentwicklung für das Internet der Dinge - Dresden, Saxony - 28/11/14, Lars Martin
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse party for people at JavaOne, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] SMB want to join IoT WG, Lars Martin
  • [iot-wg] [CfP] Software Engineering 2015 - 17-20/3/15, Lars Martin
  • [iot-wg] Stopping Paho Regular Conference Calls, Ian Craggs
  • [iot-wg] IoT Articles for Eclipse Newsletter, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] JavaOne announcement, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Presentation on IoT IMR Project Proposal, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Links to review during meeting, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: IOT Workgroup Meeting Wednesday, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] New Project Proposal, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT Biergarten Tuesday September the 30th in Munich, Jürgen Rose
  • [iot-wg] Thingmonk, Julien Vermillard
  • [iot-wg] Any IoT-WG members attending JavaOne 2014?, Philip Lombardi
  • [iot-wg] JFokus, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Fact Sheet for Open IoT for Java, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Paho features: MQTT-SN C++ client and MQTT-SN to MQTT transparent gateway, Ian Craggs
  • [iot-wg] GPIO support in Kura, Carrer, Marco
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Java stack web page, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] New project proposal: Leshan, Julien Vermillard
  • [iot-wg] Next IoT WG Meeting, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Get your working group together at the Eclipse Unconference on Monday 27th October!, Gaël Blondelle
  • [iot-wg] Virtual IoT Meetup Group, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: [polarsys-iwg] Only 4 days left to submit your talk to Embedded World Conference, Gaël Blondelle
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Top-Level Project Created, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Future Requirements and Releases of Paho, Ian Craggs
  • [iot-wg] Konek download links broken on IoT tools page, Ian Craggs
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: Next IoT WG Meeting Is Today, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] new web sites, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Next IoT WG Meeting August 27, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Deutsche Telekom announce support for Eclipse SmartHome, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] No project-leads meeting tomorrow, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Out of office: Re: Proposal for a new IoT project – "Ha ystack" – A time series database, jens . reimann
  • [iot-wg] Out of office: Re: Proposal for a new IoT project – "Ha ystack" – A time series database, jens . reimann
  • [iot-wg] IoT Playground at EclipseCon Europe 2014, Ralph Mueller

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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