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Re: [eclipselink-users] Serious bug in EclipseLink sequencepre-allocation

Hello Bernard,

Can you please give an example or details of the feature you are saying worked in TLE and isn't working in EclipseLink - for example a particular mapping, how you are obtaining the entity etc? I cannot tell if this is related to the getReference bug you filed or if it is a different issue. Did you get a chance to look at bug 237358 and see if it is related? As mentioned, lazy relationships are still fetchable once the context is closed, the same as it was in TLE. If attributes (such as basics) are marked lazy and not fetchable once the context is closed in EclipseLink - EclipseLink added support for fetch groups that TLE never had, and there maybe issues with accessing these when the context is closed (as in bug 237358). If that is the case, not marking your basic mappings as lazy and using find instead of getReference will give you the same behavior you had in TLE.

bht@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Chris,

The details are that the context is per definition no longer available
afaik. What astonishes me is that TopLink Essentials still provides
some kind of extended context unexpectedly, so, may be, one could say,
TLE has the context while EclipseLink doesn't. I enjoyed that feature
and utilised it in the web tier.

I have a plain vanilla transaction scoped Entitymanager in a stateless
session bean. The web tier calls a session bean method and works with
the entity returned by the session bean.

The feature broke when I switched to EclipseLink. I was not surprised
as I had I annotated my code with warnings.

My question is whether this behavior which is probably a TopLink
Essentials feature that does not conform with the specification, is
something that can be had by other means or whether I should just
forget about it, or whether I should file a bug against TLE?

Many thanks again,


On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 09:32:43 -0400, you wrote:

Hello Bernard,

EclipseLink still allows access to lazy relationships if the context is still available., the same as in TLE. Can you give more details on what you are referring to and if serialization is involved? Could this be related to bug 237358? If it is the issue in 237358 note that TLE would eagerly fetch all non-relationships; the solution is to make them eager to get the TLE behavior until EclpseLink can allow initializing lazy attributes outside the context like it does relationships.

bht@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I noticed a difference between TopLink Essentials and EclipseLink.
Outside a session bean method of a transaction scoped Entitymanager,
TopLink Essentials would retrieve lazily fetched properties, leading
to traceable database calls. That does not work in EclipseLink.

Can I just forget about this "feature" or is there a supported method
of fetching this way (read only of course). I understand this sounds a
bit messy, because it may cause resource leak issues, but I am asking
because it DID work.

Many thanks,

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