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Re: [] Reminder and actionsfor 3/4PlanningCouncil meeting

Wow, are you sensitive! Guess we'll have to re-think the red-X's and clown noses. :)

Dude, at this stage I have taken the time to have
a clown-nose totally custom-made because the off
the shelf numbers were chafing :)
If you have some better ideas on how to summarize the data, that's fine.
That table has been done by Bjorn, and I'm sure he'd be open to
suggestions ... or, allowing someone else to visualize the data.

Followed it up in another mail...
I suggest opening bugs on cross-project to capture them.

I'll reformat that mail to be a bug report.
And we can have an on-going discussion about how to motivate projects ...

Frozen carrots - looks like a carrot, feels like a stick.


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