February 16, 2018 |
10:45 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Mark deprecated classes from org.eclipse.jface.contentassist in org.eclipse.jface.text for deletion |
Daniel Megert |
07:52 |
[eclipse-pmc] Mark deprecated classes from org.eclipse.jface.contentassist in org.eclipse.jface.text for deletion |
Lars Vogel |
February 15, 2018 |
11:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15658] APIs for organize imports |
emo-ip-team |
05:45 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Rebuild of 4.7.3 RC2 |
Daniel Megert |
05:14 |
[eclipse-pmc] Rebuild of 4.7.3 RC2 |
Till Brychcy |
February 14, 2018 |
10:23 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 448275 - Mark deprecated dialogs fromorg.eclipse.ui.dialogs for deletion |
Daniel Megert |
04:55 |
[eclipse-pmc] Bug 448275 - Mark deprecated dialogs from org.eclipse.ui.dialogs for deletion |
Lars Vogel |
February 11, 2018 |
09:17 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 530887 - Mark Dirtyable field from Part Descriptor for deletion |
Daniel Megert |
February 09, 2018 |
12:43 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 530887 - Mark Dirtyable field from Part Descriptor for deletion |
Mike Wilson |
11:55 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 530887 - Mark Dirtyable field from Part Descriptor for deletion |
Lars Vogel |
11:45 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 530887 - Mark Dirtyable field from Part Descriptor for deletion |
Daniel Megert |
10:50 |
[eclipse-pmc] Bug 530887 - Mark Dirtyable field from Part Descriptor for deletion |
Lars Vogel |
February 08, 2018 |
13:12 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Lars Vogel |
11:53 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Daniel Megert |
11:28 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Lars Vogel |
10:48 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Daniel Megert |
10:37 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Lars Vogel |
10:28 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Daniel Megert |
10:16 |
[eclipse-pmc] Photon API freeze to become M7 |
Aleksandar Kurtakov |
February 06, 2018 |
10:13 |
[eclipse-pmc] Bug 509868 - Mark MInput and MInputPart for deletion |
Lars Vogel |
January 30, 2018 |
09:49 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Incubating Java Language Features |
Daniel Megert |
06:12 |
[eclipse-pmc] Incubating Java Language Features |
Mike Milinkovich |
00:03 |
[eclipse-pmc] Committer vote for Matthias Becker has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov |
00:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Matthias Becker |
portal on behalf of emo |
January 23, 2018 |
10:50 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15459] JUnit Version: 4.12 (PB Orbit CQ9298) |
emo-ip-team |
10:46 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15459] JUnit Version: 4.12 (PB Orbit CQ9298) |
emo-ip-team |
10:42 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15459] JUnit Version: 4.12 (PB Orbit CQ9298) |
emo-ip-team |
10:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15459] JUnit Version: 4.12 (PB Orbit CQ9298) |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15457] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments) ( PB Orbit CQ3560) |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15455] Gradle Tooling Commons (Client, Model, Utils) 0.19 (PB CQ13165) |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15454] remark 1.0.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15453] Google Guava 21.0 (PB Orbit CQ12630) |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15452] ICU4J and ICU Replacement Version: 58.2 (PB Orbit CQ12471) |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15451] Google Gson Version: 2.7 (PB Orbit CQ12314) |
emo-ip-team |
January 16, 2018 |
15:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15386] xz for java Version: 1.8 |
emo-ip-team |
January 15, 2018 |
09:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15363] Apache Felix SCR (Declarative Services) Version: 2.0.14 |
emo-ip-team |
January 09, 2018 |
13:10 |
[eclipse-pmc] Change in Eclipse SDK release cadence - Part 2 |
Daniel Megert |
January 08, 2018 |
07:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15318] Dedicated xml elements for generic requirements |
emo-ip-team |
December 16, 2017 |
02:56 |
[eclipse-pmc] Committer vote for Kalyan Prasad Tatavarthi has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov |
00:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalyan Prasad Tatavarthi |
portal on behalf of emo |
December 12, 2017 |
04:32 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 528192 - API removal Platform.getJobManager |
Daniel Megert |
04:15 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Bug 528192 - API removal Platform.getJobManager |
Lars Vogel |
04:14 |
[eclipse-pmc] Bug 528192 - API removal Platform.getJobManager |
Karsten Thoms |
November 29, 2017 |
10:39 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] backport https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/112386/ to4.7.2 |
Daniel Megert |
10:32 |
[eclipse-pmc] backport https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/112386/ to 4.7.2 |
Igor Fedorenko |
06:33 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran |
05:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15028] Apache Lucene analyzers-common 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15027] Apache Lucene analyzers-smartcn 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15026] Apache Lucene Core 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
05:15 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Sravan K Lakkimsetti |
05:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15028] Apache Lucene analyzers-common 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15027] Apache Lucene analyzers-smartcn 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 15026] Apache Lucene Core 7.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
04:40 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 527411 |
Daniel Megert |
04:39 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Lars Vogel |
04:07 |
[eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 527411 |
Noopur Gupta |
04:03 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for SWT bug 527860 |
Daniel Megert |
03:51 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for SWT bug 527860 |
Aleksandar Kurtakov |
03:50 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Daniel Megert |
03:43 |
[eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for SWT bug 527860 |
Andrey Loskutov |
03:35 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Aleksandar Kurtakov |
03:23 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran |
03:18 |
[eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bug 526545 |
Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran |
November 27, 2017 |
16:53 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Ian Skerrett |
16:28 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Ian Skerrett |
15:46 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level projectinto`EclipseSDK`? |
Mike Wilson |
15:39 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`EclipseSDK`? |
Mickael Istria |
15:37 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Mickael Istria |
15:36 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`EclipseSDK`? |
Mike Wilson |
15:19 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Mickael Istria |
15:14 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Ian Skerrett |
14:58 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into`Eclipse SDK`? |
Mike Wilson |
12:01 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into `Eclipse SDK`? |
Lars Vogel |
11:24 |
[eclipse-pmc] Renaming `Eclipse` top-level project into `Eclipse SDK`? |
Mickael Istria |
November 20, 2017 |
08:53 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bugs 522469 and 525303 in 4.7.2 RC3 |
Daniel Megert |
06:16 |
[eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for bugs 522469 and 525303 in 4.7.2 RC3 |
Sasikanth B Ammanamanchi |
November 16, 2017 |
08:28 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Mike Wilson |
November 15, 2017 |
10:26 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Wayne Beaton |
09:44 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Daniel Megert |
07:32 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Lars Vogel |
07:15 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Aleksandar Kurtakov |
03:09 |
[eclipse-pmc] Resigning from the Eclipse PMC |
Martin Oberhuber |
November 08, 2017 |
04:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 14727] asm version 6.0 (PB Orbit CQ 14356) (PB CQ14395) |
emo-ip-team |
01:00 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 14716] Advanced Source Lookup to support Java 9 |
emo-ip-team |
November 06, 2017 |
04:25 |
[eclipse-pmc] Committer vote for Karsten Thoms has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Lars Vogel |
04:05 |
[eclipse-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Karsten Thoms |
portal on behalf of emo |
November 01, 2017 |
10:25 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Change the org.eclipse.sdk feature? |
Lars Vogel |
10:20 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Change the org.eclipse.sdk feature? |
Daniel Megert |
10:05 |
[eclipse-pmc] Change the org.eclipse.sdk feature? |
Lars Vogel |
October 30, 2017 |
13:11 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Lars Vogel |
05:33 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Lars Vogel |
05:32 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Lars Vogel |
October 24, 2017 |
11:30 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Lars Vogel |
11:03 |
[eclipse-pmc] Cancelling the PMC call this week because the phone switch is failing again. |
Mike Wilson |
06:44 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Martin Oberhuber |
October 23, 2017 |
14:53 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Fwd: [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Daniel Megert |
14:34 |
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Fwd: [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Mike Wilson |
11:27 |
[eclipse-pmc] Fwd: [platform-dev] Nomination of Alexander Kurtakov as Eclipse Platform lead |
Lars Vogel |
October 18, 2017 |
09:39 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 14341] Visual Studio C++ Express 2008 |
emo-ip-team |
05:11 |
[eclipse-pmc] [CQ 14341] Visual Studio C++ Express 2008 |
emo-ip-team |