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Re: [cdt-dev] projects using multiple toolchains


Op 30/05/2016 om 21:01 schreef Liviu Ionescu:
On 30 May 2016, at 21:49, Jan Baeyens <jan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I actually do this for my arduino eclipse plugin. ...
as I previously said, I don't think the main problem is within the plug-ins.
I'm sorry I hadn't read the preceding conversation.

did you try to create a project with multiple build configurations, each with a different toolchain, one of them being the arduino one,
As I use the arduino nature in my plugin and the nature is project bound I never had a multi configuration project with a arduino toolchain and a non arduino toolchain. Do not misunderstand this statement though. I use multiconfigurations for arm, avr, and local pc. Even with gtest unit testing on the local machine. But to be able to compile locally I wrap the local gcc compiler in a Arduino wrapper so it becomes a arduino toolchain. This is just making some folders and 2 text files(in arduino world the famous board.txt and platform.txt files). If you know what you are doing it is easy enough and done in less than 10 minutes.
  and try to load the project when the arduino plug-in is not available?
I never tried this. I'm not sure what the use case for this would be.
As far as I can see this has the potential of working (because all environment variables are set and all arduino nature projects also have the cdt natures) but I do not expect it to work. I even do not want it to work. I do not want it to work because changing the active configuration will not work. Why? because arduino decided an a folder structure hiding the "core files" and the hardware libraries (this is the source code you need to link in) deep inside this structure forcing me to change links to folders on configuration swaps. Something an ordinary #ifdef could have avoided (but it is not my call).

In my eyes (I'm not an eclipse guru) it doesn't make sense for a project to be open when vital plugins are missing for this project. Other plugins show the same behaviour. For instance RTC (the IBM version control tool, part of jazz) controlled projects will not open when the RTC plugin is not installed. It is not fun but it is the safest option.

did you try to edit a given configuration and change the toolchain from the arduino toolchain to another toolchain, and back?
no. I always use the Arduino toolchain (see above)

the GNU ARM Eclipse build plug-ins use a very elaborate multi-toolchain management, with separate path management, but this does not prevents damaging projects when the plug-ins are not loaded, or toolchains are changed.
My thinking "elaborate multi-toolchain management, with separate path management, ": "sounds like bug-prone". This way of thinking of mine is why I went for a "as simple as possible setup using proven existing tools".
This way of thinking is also why I do not like dough his "new toolchain".
I think: Less is more.
... about 6390 builds per day the last month.
nice! how can you get these analytics figures?
Each time a build is done a http request is done to a webpage I own is done. It is stated in the licence agreement of the plugin that by using the plugin you agree to this. Note that this are only the builds where the user presses the arduino build button. Not the upload and not ctrl B nor the cdt build button or menu's.



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