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Date: 2018-05-08


  • David

  • Kevin

  • Wayne

  • Mark

  • Steve

  • Ivar

Project Proposals

The following projects are ready for submission for creation review.

  • Eclipse Project for JPA - OK
    Wayne will verify that the relationship with EclipseLink is stated properly in the description before publishing.

  • Eclipse ORB - OK

  • Eclipse implementation of JAXB - OK

  • Eclipse Metro - OK

  • Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform - OK
    Publish for review and then reach out to strategic members such as Fujitsu. Tomitribe and IBM will add some committers.

General for all proposals:
All initial committers must have an Eclipse account. Wayne will follow up on the potential email problem with some committers not getting emails.

Self-nominated initial committers for TCK project

Discussion around how to handle the self-nominated initial committers for the TCK project. Decided that the usual Eclipse process for getting involved should be followed as soon as the project has been established. See

Switching representatives from projects

Discussion around the possibility for a company to switch representatives on EE4J projects.
How can this be done according to the Eclipse Processes?
Can a company have rep on a project that can survive turnover?

Specification process can maybe be formed to ensure that companies can stay represented. The topic is relevant for specification projects, so this item is left for discussion at the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. The Steering Committee may also have an opinion.

Jakarta EE Technical Vision

The PMC has been tasked by the Jakarte EE Steering Committee to propose technical direction for the EE4J projects.

We will do this bottom-up by reaching out to the EE4J project leads to get their input. Before doing so, we will create a template and guide to structure the input. This should include information such as top-three priorities, schedule, release plan etc. We will look at the JSR template for inspiration. There must also be set a deadline to respond.

Actions for next meeting

  • Create an example from one of “our own” projects

    • David: JMS

    • Steve: JSF

    • Kevin: Batch or JCA

    • Mark: CDI or BV

    • Ivar: MVC

  • Wayne will set up a common place to store the documents (Team Drive)

After next meeting, we will create a template for project leads based on the above mentioned documents.

Prepare EE4J Website for GDPR

The Eclipse Foundation is preparing for GDPR (May 25).

The EE4J Website should be alright. Wayne will confirm.

Jakarta EE Submissions to e.g. Oracle Code One / EclipseCon

Someone from the companies represented in the PMC will most likely be represented at both conferences so e.g. panel sessions should be possible to staff.

Next Meeting

Tuesday May 22 at 17:00 CET.

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