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Date: 2018-02-13


  • Dmitry

  • Wayne

  • Kevin

  • Ivar

  • David

PMC Quality Control Statement to the Community

How do we handle projects that do not want to follow these guidelines? Is there support in EDP to enforce? The PMC can step in and review when a project wants to do a release.

Project describe the release etc.

The PMC can require e.g. TCK must pass.

Can require rules to be followed in order to be able to participate in the project.

Release review is where these checks are normally done.

  1. Publish the rules

  2. Set up restrictions on branches in github

PMC Practical

Approve minutes from two last meetings - ok

PMC Agenda Items

Agenda items will most likely materialize themselves. Something along the lines of:

  • Projects

    Project Proposals, Projects Status

  • Releases

  • Actions

    Status, New

PMC Meeting Frequency

Decided to keep the current meeting time, but go over to a bi-weekly meeting frequency: Bi-weekly Meetings Tuesdays 17-18 (try to keep it to 30 mins)

PMC Lead Swap

Decided to keep it as it is for now and continue with Ivar as PMC Lead. When someone wants to take over, we will take it from there.

Project Proposals


Go through current proposals and mark those that are ok

Eclipse Project for Common Annotations (API) - ok

Eclipse Project for Concurrency Utilities (API & RI) - ok

Eclipse Project for Enterprise Management - postpone for inclusion in the platform project

Eclipse Project for Enterprise Security (API) - postponed: reach out to EG

Eclipse Soteria - postponed: reach out to the EG

Eclipse Project for Expression Language (API) - ok

Eclipse Project for JAF (API) - ok

Eclipse Project for JavaMail (API) - ok

Eclipse Project for JAX-WS (API & RI) - ok

Eclipse Project for JSON-B (API) - ok

Eclipse Project for JAX-B (API & RI) - ok

Eclipse Project for JSTL (API) - ok

JTA (API) - ok

Naming discussion tabled to next meeting.

Discuss how to handle platform projects in the next PMC meeting.


JSR 330 DI Tabled for next meeting

Ozark Licensing

Ozark is currently Apache 2.0 licensed. In order to keep that license, the PMC must suggest this to the Eclipse Board for approval.


Tabled for next meeting

Next Meeting

Tuesday February 27 at 17:00 CET

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