Eclipse Awards Winners 2009
Individual Award Winners
Presented below is the list of award winners and finalists for each of the individual awards catagories.
Top Ambassador
- Nick Boldt (Winner)
- Mik Kersten
- Tom Schindl
Top Committer
- Martin Oberhuber
- Jason Weathersby
- Paul Webster (Winner)
Top Contributor
- Benjamin Cabé (Winner)
- Dave Carver
- Tom Schindl
Top Newcomer Evangelist
- Nick Boldt
- Walter Harley
- Ed Merks (Winner)
Technology Award Winners
Presented below is the list of award winners and finalists for each of the technology awards catagories as determined by this year's judging panels.
Best Commerical Eclipse-Based Developer Tool
Best Open Source Eclipse-Based Developer Tool
- Acceleo (Winner)
- AnyEdit Tools
- OpenRules
Best Commercial Equinox Application
Best Open Source Equinox Application
- ModuleFusion (Winner)
- VIF - Virtual Forum
Best Commercial RCP Application
Best Open Source RCP Application
- Apache Directory Studio (Winner)
- MAEviz