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Re: [udig-devel] uDig and GeoTools versions

When will uDig trunk be released as a product?

If one has an svn copy of uDig trunk, is it straightforward to use this in Eclipse?

Adrian Custer wrote:

udig 1.1 uses gt 2.2, udig trunk uses gt trunk (aka 2.6).


On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 16:30 -0500, David Adler wrote:
From looking at the libs shipped with uDig, I would guess that uDig is working with GeoTools V2.2.

Is this correct and are there documented plans to move to a more current version of GeoTools?

We have been trying to do some testing of uDig support for DB2 for z/OS but the support for this in GeoTools is in a much later version, 2.4 or 2.5.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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