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Re: [udig-devel] codehaus bug report returned page error, but posted(twice) none the less.

Hi Eric,

This is a safari 3 issue. If you use firefox or IE it works fine. I've noticed this on other JIRA instances as well. I think that you just have to hit reload and it will take you to the page.


On 11-Jan-08, at 9:41 AM, Eric Jarvies wrote:

Hello Jesse,

fyi- I just posted a bug over at codehaus for uDig, and upon submitting the form, it resulted in an error/failure. I tried it again, and same error. I then figured i would check the tickets to see if it was actually posting, and in fact it was. so i have two of the same bug posts showing. Sorry. Would you please be eliminate the double entry? Regarding the form posting error... if you are unable to repeat it, i will post another bug and take note of the exact error for you. Using Safari 3.0 If this is codehaus' problem, and not yours, I will report it to them, just let me now.


On Jan 10, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Eric Jarvies wrote:
now your talking chris! could this perhaps be the first project we delve into? i'm bitting at the bit here.
On Jan 10, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Chris Holmes wrote:
Go for it; the result would be a GPL plugin for uDig (that just uses the geoserver configuration persistence classes to write out what is on the screen as a server configuration).

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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