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  • [temurin-dev] Project Lead election for George Adams on Eclipse Temurin™, emo
  • [temurin-dev] Essential 8 Requirement - "Web browsers do not process Java from the internet.", Thornton, Paul
  • [temurin-dev] Fwd: Temurin License, Pramod Kumar R.B
  • [temurin-dev] Committer Election for Wen Zhou on Eclipse Temurin™ has started, emo
  • [temurin-dev] Committer Election for Scott Fryer on Eclipse Temurin™ has started, emo
  • [temurin-dev] Floating Point Arithmetic and Math Function/Method denormal and pronormal errors?, A Z
  • [temurin-dev] Adding Cherry Chang and Ava Zhao to temurin compliance, Martijn Verburg
  • [temurin-dev] Temurin 17 pre-built JREs are missing modules? (jdk.unsupported.desktop), Guillaume Anctil
  • [temurin-dev] Multi-license Eclipse Temurin, Jeroen Kouwer
  • [temurin-dev] How Updates in Base Images are Managed, Pasan Tennakoon
  • [temurin-dev] Committer Election for Stephanie Crater on Eclipse Temurin™ has started, emo
  • Welcome to temurin-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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