June 08, 2016 |
11:24 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval for RCPTT 2.1(Neon) |
Ulyana Skorokhodova |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11575] jersey-guava Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11574] jersey-container-servlet-core Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11573] jersey-common Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11572] jersey-mvc Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11571] jersey-media-multipart Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11570] jersey-media-sse Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11569] jersey-server Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11568] jersey-client Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11567] jersey-container-servlet Version: 2.22.2 |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11566] AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (ATO CQ2918) (using Orbit CQ3087) |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11564] HK2 API Version: 2.4.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11563] HK Locator Version: 2.4.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11562] HK2 Utils Version: 2.4.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11561] OSGi Connector Version: 5.3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
08:57 |
[technology-pmc] Required release review documentation has not been provided by some Neon projects |
Wayne Beaton |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11560] HK2 OSGi Resource Locator Version: 1.0.1 (using Orbit CQ9023) |
emo-ip-team |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11559] org.jvnet.mimepull Version: 1.9.4 (using Orbit CQ8030) |
emo-ip-team |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11558] Javassist 3.19.0 (ATO CQ9727) (using Orbit CQ10494) |
emo-ip-team |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11557] atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (using Orbit CQ3555 ) |
emo-ip-team |
07:26 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e-wtp 1.3.0 release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
06:03 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e-wtp 1.3.0 release |
Wayne Beaton |
03:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11555] objenesis Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
03:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11554] javassist Version: 3.19.0-GA |
emo-ip-team |
03:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11553] easymock Version: 3.3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
03:27 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for ACTF 1.4 (Neon)release |
Kentarou Fukuda |
03:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11552] cglib-nodep Version: 2.2.2 |
emo-ip-team |
03:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11551] Powermock Version: 1.6.2 |
emo-ip-team |
June 07, 2016 |
17:30 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e 1.7.0 release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
17:28 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for MPC 1.5 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
15:12 |
[technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e-wtp 1.3.0 release |
Fred Bricon |
15:08 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e 1.7.0 release |
Chris Aniszczyk |
15:07 |
[technology-pmc] Requesting PMC approval for m2e 1.7.0 release |
Fred Bricon |
14:21 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for MPC 1.5 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
14:05 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval request for MPC 1.5 |
Carsten Reckord |
June 03, 2016 |
02:55 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Greg Watson has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Greg Watson |
portal on behalf of emo |
June 02, 2016 |
08:02 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for ACTF 1.4 (Neon) release |
Eric Rizzo |
03:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11534] technology.mdmbl |
emo-ip-team |
June 01, 2016 |
05:41 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for ACTF 1.4 (Neon) release |
Chris Aniszczyk |
01:59 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for ACTF 1.4 (Neon) release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
01:46 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval request for ACTF 1.4 (Neon) release |
Kentarou Fukuda |
May 31, 2016 |
19:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11532] jsonld-java Version: 0.8.3 |
emo-ip-team |
10:36 |
Re: [technology-pmc] EPP 4.6.0 (Neon) Release Review Documentation |
Chris Aniszczyk |
10:22 |
[technology-pmc] EPP 4.6.0 (Neon) Release Review Documentation |
Markus Knauer |
May 30, 2016 |
22:09 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Nebula 1.0.0 |
Eric Rizzo |
22:09 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for DLTK 5.5 |
Eric Rizzo |
15:48 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for DLTK 5.5 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
11:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11522] JUnit Version: 4.12 (ATO CQ9232) (using Orbit CQ9298) |
emo-ip-team |
11:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11521] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments) (ATO CQ2555) ( using Orbit CQ3560) |
emo-ip-team |
11:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11520] Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.6 (ATO CQ6183) ( using Orbit CQ6450) |
emo-ip-team |
11:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11518] Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (ATO CQ7766) (using Orbit CQ7768) |
emo-ip-team |
08:48 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Nebula 1.0.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
08:41 |
[technology-pmc] Release approval for DLTK 5.5 |
Kaloyan Raev |
08:31 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Nebula 1.0.0 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
04:13 |
[technology-pmc] Nebula 1.0.0 |
Wim Jongman |
May 26, 2016 |
13:42 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for e(fx)clipse 2.4.0 |
Eric Rizzo |
13:37 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for Handly 0.5 |
Eric Rizzo |
13:30 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Andreas Sewe has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Eric Rizzo |
13:15 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andreas Sewe |
portal on behalf of emo |
11:22 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Jubula 4.0 release |
Eric Rizzo |
10:57 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Jubula 4.0 release |
Chris Aniszczyk |
09:30 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Jubula 4.0 release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
02:05 |
[technology-pmc] Jubula 4.0 release |
Alexandra Schladebeck |
May 25, 2016 |
16:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11496] org.sonatype.m2e.mavenarchiver 0.17.1 |
emo-ip-team |
14:51 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11366] py4j Version: 0.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
May 24, 2016 |
10:25 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release review documentation for JGit and EGit 4.4 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
09:35 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release review documentation for JGit and EGit 4.4 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
09:35 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release review for Code Recommenders 2.4.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
09:34 |
[technology-pmc] Release review documentation for JGit and EGit 4.4 |
Matthias Sohn |
05:37 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release review for Code Recommenders 2.4.0 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
04:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11474] Icon Set: Fam Fam Silk Icon Set Version Version: 1.3 (PB CQ2389) |
emo-ip-team |
03:39 |
[technology-pmc] Release review for Code Recommenders 2.4.0 |
Andreas Sewe |
May 21, 2016 |
15:39 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Michal Niewrzal has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
15:38 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Bartlomiej Laczkowski has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Michal Niewrzal |
portal on behalf of emo |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Bartlomiej Laczkowski |
portal on behalf of emo |
May 19, 2016 |
16:45 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Subversive 4.0 release review |
Chris Aniszczyk |
16:39 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Subversive 4.0 release review |
Wayne Beaton |
15:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11396] maven-builder-support 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
09:53 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for Eclipse Scout 6.0.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
09:50 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Carsten Meyer has been vetoed by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht |
May 18, 2016 |
17:15 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Release approval for Eclipse Scout 6.0.0 |
Chris Aniszczyk |
16:10 |
[technology-pmc] Release approval for Eclipse Scout 6.0.0 |
Matthias Zimmermann |
May 17, 2016 |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11393] plexus-utils 3.0.22 |
emo-ip-team |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11391] wagon-file 2.10 |
emo-ip-team |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11390] okhttp 2.5.0 |
emo-ip-team |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11386] archetype-registry 2.4 |
emo-ip-team |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11385] archetype-descriptor 2.4 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11403] maven-plugin-api 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11402] maven-model-builder 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11401] maven-model 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11400] maven-embedder |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11399] maven-core 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11397] maven-compat |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11396] maven-builder-support 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11395] maven-artifact 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11394] maven-aether-provider 3.3.9 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11393] plexus-utils 3.0.22 |
emo-ip-team |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 11384] archetype-common 2.4 |
emo-ip-team |