The monthly STEM Community Call is scheduled for this Thursday, at 9 am Pacific Time, 12 noon Eastern.
As always, we invite you to join in the call. If you wish to do so, please email me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx for call in instructions.
Agenda for STEM Community Call on September 1, 2016
1. STEM Integration Build with bug fix for problem with Windows x86 now up
*Next milestone set for October 20, 2016
*Current release added to options in Bugzilla
*Date to be set for new version when work on evolving disease model is completed
2. Ongoing Feature Work
*Jamie: Work with UC Davis on genomics and evolving disease model
*Nereyda: Use of STEM in work on pandemics and biodefense
3. Updates
*Kun: Work with Santa Clara county health officials on mosquito borne and other infectious diseases
*Tabea: Work on disease spread in livestock
*Matthias: Collaboration with Poland on African swine fever disease and October workshop
*Kun/Matthias: Function fitting model parameters shown to work in customized models; error in wiki documentation fixed (query raised in last call answered)
4. Bugs
*Query: Was Bug 499773 (fixed in integration build) responsible for Kamesh’s problem with dengue model, bug 465981?
*Query (Jamie): Old bug with stochastic solver due to a law of nature?
*Query (Tabea): Has problem with predicate has been resolved?
*Request to All: Report bugs on stem-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx as well as Bugzilla
5. Items from Participants