Hi guys,
I think the solution of moving the required stp.model plugins to ebpm’s repository is a good one. Even if other people use them, they would ideally migrate to Mangrove’s project code base, which is just an evolution of the older stp.model component.
Engineering will hopefully also migrate soon to Mangrove in the ebpm and spagic future versions.
Regarding the termination review I think your suggestion is good Wayne, to simply add stp.model to the overall STP termination review process.
Regarding Policy, I am not sure if it’s used, I would expect former SOPERA members (Zsolt?) to know more about this...
Best regards,
From: soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrea Zoppello
Sent: jeudi 12 janvier 2012 16:09
To: soa-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [soa-pmc] It's time to terminate STP
My comments inline:
Il 12/01/2012 15:46, Wayne Beaton ha scritto:
FWIW, "Top Level Project" has a specific meaning in the EDP. Your list looks like a bunch of bundles from stp.model (Intermediate Model). Is this correct?
Yes we definitely don't need all the stp.model stuff, but only the bundles that ebpm require.
The EDP requires that we engage in a Restructuring review. It's a relatively simple affair, requiring only a short description of what needs to move and where. We can include it in the STP termination documentation. i.e. we can combine the STP termination review with a stp.model move review. Once we have all the answers, I'll finish up the termination/move documentation and schedule the review.
Ok for me, but as i said above we're going to move and mantain in ebpm repositories only the bundles of intermediate model required by ebpm ( for example ebpm does not need the sca stuff... ).
Does moving to stp.model to eBPM make general sense? Does it fall under the scope of eBPM? Does anybody else depend on this code?
The ( ideal )right way to go ( for eBPM too.. ) would be a transition to Mangrove project,
but we need to mantain that code for two reason:
1) A migration is not always possible ( production projects using that code probably will not be migrated )
2) Actually in eBPM project we've planned a migration, but we have don't made yet...
What of stp.policy?
Don't know nothing about this.
Andrea Zoppello
Spagic Architect

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