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Re: [platform-dev] [pde-dev] PDE and GitHub

Like the others I'm in favor to not require an issue for each non-trivial PR. There are good reasons to create an issue, e.g. you don't want to work on it (now) or want to discuss the solution first. But if one already has implemented a (draft) solution a requirement to create a dedicated issue just feels like extra ceremony that causes noise and extra work.
Regarding Ed's remark:
As Christoph showed you can find the PR of a commit via the GitHub UI.
Besides that we could use an enhanced merge-procedure to automatically append the link to the PR (and maybe the reviewers etc.) just like it was done in Gerrit [1].
This was already suggested on other mailing lists and I asked about that at the community meeting in June. Jonah Graham pointed there to the GitHub UI way mentioned by Christoph.
While the GH-UI offers a way to find the PR, embedding a link in the commit message is probably the most universal way that does not require more magic in EGit or at other places.
In the end such magic probably would require to log-in to GitHub within Eclipse because for most interactions with the GH API one needs an authentication. I think we should avoid that if possible. Not everybody has a GH account and for me it would feel odd to have to enter a log-in to my local Eclipse.
[1] -
Gesendet: Samstag, 16. Juli 2022 um 11:13 Uhr
Von: "Christoph Läubrich" <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
An: platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [platform-dev] [pde-dev] PDE and GitHub
Hi Ed,

I think I noted it somewhere else already:

1) the PR that merged the commit is recorded and github also shows that
information as you already found out
2) the magic is described here [1] there is even a script for that [2])
3) But EGit currently do not offer anything to make this "magic" visible
in the UI


Am 16.07.22 um 10:55 schrieb Ed Merks:
> Of course making everyone efficient is an important goal!   I think it's
> also an important goal to preserve historical information, especially
> around discussions with respect to design decisions.  From that point of
> view,  I wonder, does each PR-only commit really have a link back to the PR?
> I look at this commit and I see no such link(s):
> I don't see such a link from here either.:
> Contrast that to this commit which has links:
> And from here one can navigate those links:
> So it seems to me that yes a PR is much like an Issue, but without links
> to one or both in the commit itself, it's just a commit and one cannot
> find out any historical information discussions and design decisions
> that were made relative to that commit.  I expect that information is
> useful and has gone missing.  Or did I overlook something that such
> links at least to the PR are implicitly navigable somewhere?
> On 15.07.2022 12:53, Mickael Istria wrote:
>> Hi Vikas,
>> Like Lars, I'm also unsure adding more tickets and bureaucracy as a
>> requirement will help the committers in being more efficient.
>> Can you please explain the current problems that you or others face
>> with tracking in the current state? Maybe we can find some tricks (eg
>> GitHub queries) to satisfy you needs without requiring an issue for
>> every PR if the contributor didn't reporting an issue a-priori was useful.
>> Cheers
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