Hi Ivar-
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Do you know off hand what is the licensing situation? For example, are we able to include it in the Apache ActiveMQ source tree as a unit test to run in CI?
Thanks, Matt Pavlovich On Jul 11, 2023, at 12:33 PM, Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What is the current situation in terms of getting access to the Jakarta Messaging TCK?
That’d be a good next step to get it running against ActiveMQ.
Matt Pavlovich
> On Jul 11, 2023, at 12:07 PM, Matt Pavlovich <mattrpav@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi David-
> Sounds good, I agree ActiveMQ is the best place to start =). I am a committer on ActiveMQ and I personally completed most of the JMS 2.0 work and have started the Jakarta conversion =)
> To get you current--
> 1. ActiveMQ 5.18.x ships w/ JMS 2.0 API and most features completed
> 2. ActiveMQ jakarta conversion is about 80% done. We are targeting the fall for a release
> Thanks,
> Matt Pavlovich
>> On Jul 11, 2023, at 11:28 AM, David Blevins <david.blevins@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> There are definitely no shortage of ideas we could implement. Both JAXB and JSONB are outlined here:
>> - https://github.com/jakartaee/messaging-proposals
>> The real trick is the work on the implementation; the spec can’t go final unless there is an implementation that can pass all the exist and new tck tests.
>> The implementation I’d want to use for anything I’d work on would be ActiveMQ Classic. It would likely take a year to get it converted from javax to jakarta, implement all of JMS2.0, and get it passing the existing TCK before we could begin work on new spec features.
>> I suspect we’re in the same boat on that one, so maybe next steps would be to kick off a thread or two in ActiveMQ.
>> -David
>>> On Jul 11, 2023, at 9:01 AM, Matt Pavlovich via messaging-dev <messaging-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello-
>>> There is interest in kicking off discussions for including an update to Jakarta Messaging.
>>> Key features to consider:
>>> 1. INDIVIUAL ACK mode
>>> 2. NO ACK mode
>>> 3. Message Conversion API - Ability to convert directly to objects from JSON, JAXB, etc
>>> Thanks!
>>> Matt Pavlovich
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-- Ivar Grimstad Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation
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