Your Jetty 9.2 configuration has no ssl or tls or https configuration specified.
Nor does your 9.4 configuration.
Why are you modifying your jetty-distribution and/or deploying into the jetty-distribution directory?
That is not recommended, and you get warnings on startup telling you that.
Make a proper ${jetty.base} directory, somewhere outside of the jetty-distribution directory, and configure that, leave your jetty-distribution alone (unmodified, no changes!)
# Make a new empty directory
$ mkdir /path/to/mybase
# Initialize the start.d directory with your desired modules
$ java -jar /path/to/jetty-distribution-9.4.4.v20170414/start.jar --create-startd --add-to-start=http,https,deploy,annotations
# Add more modules to an existing jetty.base using the same command above but with different module names, like: jsp,websocket,proxy etc ..
# Copy your webapps into place
$ cp /Users/gakin/code/myapp.war /path/to/mybase/webapps/
# Edit your configuration
$ edit /path/to/mybase/start.d/ssl.ini
# Run Jetty from your ${jetty.base} directory
$ cd /path/to/mybase
$ java -jar /path/to/jetty-distribution-9.4.4.v20170414/start.jar
# or ...
$ cd /path/to/mybase
$ java -jar /path/to/jetty-distribution-9.2.10.v20150310/start.jar