You just upgraded 2 major versions.
Reminder: Jetty Versioning is <servlet_support>.<major>.<minor>
You went from Jetty 9.2.x which was Servlet 3.1, Java 7, NPN and SPDY (48 modules available) ..
To Jetty 9.3.x which has Servlet 3.1, a Java 8 minimum, dropped NPN and SPDY, added ALPN and HTTP/2 ..
To Jetty 9.4.x which is Servlet 3.1, Java 8 minimum, a proposed Servlet 4.x API for HTTP/2, new Threading layer, new WebSocket integration with Jetty HttpClient, (113 modules available).
There's bound to be a few hiccups in your upgrade.
In 9.2.x you had ...
Modules: http, or https, or spdy.
Property: https.port=8443
In 9.4.x you have ...
Modules: http (connector), or ssl (connector, which is ssl/tls, then alpn protocol layering/fallback within it for http/2, https, http-forwarded, etc).
Property: jetty.ssl.port=8443
The introduction of HTTP/2 support made things more complicated here.
Before we go and suggest that you change things, can you run this command in both versions ...
$ cd /path/to/mybase && java -jar /path/to/jetty-dist/start.jar --list-config
That should list the identified configuration for each of your environments.
If we can see that we can help you identify where things went awry.
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