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Re: [jetty-users] After upgrade from Jetty 9.2.x to 9.4.x https.ini configuration does not work

You just upgraded 2 major versions.

Reminder: Jetty Versioning is <servlet_support>.<major>.<minor> 

You went from Jetty 9.2.x which was Servlet 3.1, Java 7, NPN and SPDY (48 modules available) ..
To Jetty 9.3.x which has Servlet 3.1, a Java 8 minimum, dropped NPN and SPDY, added ALPN and HTTP/2 ..
To Jetty 9.4.x which is Servlet 3.1, Java 8 minimum, a proposed Servlet 4.x API for HTTP/2, new Threading layer, new WebSocket integration with Jetty HttpClient, (113 modules available).

There's bound to be a few hiccups in your upgrade.

In 9.2.x you had ...

 Modules: http, or https, or spdy.
 Property: https.port=8443

In 9.4.x you have ...

 Modules: http (connector), or ssl (connector, which is ssl/tls, then alpn protocol layering/fallback within it for http/2, https, http-forwarded, etc).
 Property: jetty.ssl.port=8443

The introduction of HTTP/2 support made things more complicated here.

Before we go and suggest that you change things, can you run this command in both versions ...

$ cd /path/to/mybase && java -jar /path/to/jetty-dist/start.jar --list-config

That should list the identified configuration for each of your environments.
If we can see that we can help you identify where things went awry.

NOTE: Please be careful to not copy/paste sensitive information to the mailing list.

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 1:21 PM, Ganime Betül AKIN <ganime@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I have a  test where I am running two instances of an application bundled with jetty  on two different ports on the same machine (local). Before the upgrade, with 9.2.x all I had to do was to edit the start.d/https.ini file and change the port value for the second instance (by default the application uses a port which is different from 8080 and the first instance starts with this port.). The application was recently upgraded to use Jetty 9.4.x and now the second jetty instance start will be attempted on the default port, seemingly ignoring the modified port value in the https.ini. Of course this fails because that port is already in use.

Can someone provide insight on how to resolve this?


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