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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Moving MicroProfile JWT to Jakarta Security?


On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 6:58 PM John Clingan <jclingan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I already pointed out some of the (non-technical) differences in my first email on the thread. I recommend revisiting the MicroProfile Charter vision and scope.

Practically speaking I don't see much of a difference working on say both MP JWT and Jakarta security.

We talk a little in a meeting, we exchange some emails, some coding takes place. Then we write some javadoc, and when somebody mumbles something about a spec document we jot something down there too. We seal the deal by writing some tests using junit and maven and make sure there's an implementation passing it all. Then after some voting we call it a day and release it.

It feels the same, I at least work the same, and the result to me is the same. So maybe, it kinda is the same? Or am I missing something?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms


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