The decision cannot be made here and while MP could state whether it wishes to donate some stable specs and features voluntarily from its side or not, that does not dictate anything for Jakarta EE.
The bodies to make such a decision e.g. the Spec or Steering Committee will have to initiate a vote there or a number of questions like that of the namespace.
Unless a WG (one for MP alone or one for both) gets the MP specs (all or if they would have a choice those that want to qualify for spec usage) to adopt the EFSP none of this is relevant, not even a direct fork of the code, because the toxic IP situation.
The old Inject Spec like CDI or Bean Validation had a few exceptions at already, e.g. using another license for the spec, but they were governed by the JCP like all the other specs, therefore a fork or migration of the Inject JSR to Jakarta Inject was possible, but from the current MP Config it would be much more risky. Thats not the case for btw, the JSR could probably be forked much more easily from an IP and process point of view ;-)