Well your colleagues at Red Hat did what was necessary with the Injection spec, so there should be enough people to contribute if the majority of Jakarta EE stakeholders came to the conclusion, that MP as a whole or certain specs were not usable the way they are run there sure are people and contributors to some other projects that would also do the same here.
Look at Helidon Config which goes way beyond MP although it contains a compatibility layer but it has its own separate more powerful API.
Spring config is probably the most mature and widely used framework and Pivotal is also a Jakarta EE member. Whether or not it wishes to get involved there remains to be seen, but take examples like Batch, it was very involved and is also among the most popular implementations of Jakarta Batch. Needless to say a large number of the features and annotations in MP Config were heavily inspired by Spring, so its contributors would be a good candidate for this and also benefit from using it in the future.
The problem with the new MP WG is, that it may well argue 12-18 months over another "Pull vs. Push" approach with no usable outcome and no result Jakarta EE or other platforms and frameworks (including the likes of Helidon, I won't even mention Spring because a CDI-only approach automatically disqualifies it from being used by Spring)
Not everyone likes to write or improve TCKs, but they are necessary for a platform that has a quality and compatibility requirement like Jakarta EE does.