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Re: [henshin-user] An invalid Menu Extension

Hi Mohammed,
this is probably a bug. I created a ticket for it:


2015-09-15 15:23 GMT+02:00 Alabdullatif, Mohammed A.A. <maaa4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I have noticed recently this error in the Error log. The message says:

Plug-in 'org.eclipse.emf.henshin.interpreter.ui' contributed an invalid Menu Extension (Path: '' is invalid): org.eclipse.emf.henshin.interpreter.ui.createDynamicInstance

I am using Eclipse Luna on Mac with the latest Henshin version. Is this caused by a bug? I am using the same Eclipse version and Henshin on Windows and I have not seen this error.

However, I can use everything as normal.

Best regards,,,


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