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October 15, 2008
09:21 [equinox-dev] Component Resolve Thread and the context classloader Michael Furtak
06:04 Re: [equinox-dev] p2 publisher tests? DJ Houghton
00:11 [equinox-dev] p2 publisher tests? Chris Aniszczyk
October 14, 2008
09:03 [equinox-dev] Re: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20081014-0800 (Timestamp: 200810140800): Build failed Kim Moir
October 13, 2008
20:36 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Jeff McAffer
18:33 [equinox-dev] Equinox contribution to Galileo I-Build Thomas Watson
16:26 Re: [equinox-dev] Problems starting Equinox Aspects on the command line Martin Lippert
02:49 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Heiko Seeberger
October 10, 2008
16:53 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Janet Dmitrovich
11:17 RE: [equinox-dev] BSF, Groovy, OSGi - class resolution Craig Phillips
11:09 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Andrew Niefer
11:03 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Thomas Watson
10:37 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Jeff McAffer
10:33 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Thomas Watson
10:21 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Jeff McAffer
09:46 Re: [equinox-dev] Disable default start of Jetty. Simon Kaegi
09:33 Re: [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Thomas Watson
04:44 [equinox-dev] Disable default start of Jetty. Srijith Kochunni
03:56 [equinox-dev] org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230 defines ExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5 Heiko Seeberger
October 09, 2008
17:29 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Janet Dmitrovich
09:50 [equinox-dev] Old Equinox repo content deleted from HEAD Thomas Watson
October 08, 2008
14:45 RE: [equinox-dev] BSF, Groovy, OSGi - class resolution Craig Phillips
14:14 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Oleg Zhurakousky
14:07 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Stuart McCulloch
14:06 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Thomas Watson
13:43 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Oleg Zhurakousky
13:26 Re: [equinox-dev] BSF, Groovy, OSGi - class resolution Stuart McCulloch
13:07 [equinox-dev] BSF, Groovy, OSGi - class resolution Craig Phillips
12:57 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Stuart McCulloch
12:46 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Oleg Zhurakousky
12:36 Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Rob Harrop
12:27 [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question Oleg Zhurakousky
03:30 [equinox-dev] Autostart OSGi bundles using Equinox Launcher pietsch
October 07, 2008
18:37 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Andrew Niefer
17:56 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Janet Dmitrovich
17:18 Re: [equinox-dev] normalized jar Andrew Niefer
15:58 [equinox-dev] normalized jar Janet Dmitrovich
15:05 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Boris Bokowski
09:46 Re: [equinox-dev] Problem with adding -repack to normalize Janet Dmitrovich
October 06, 2008
18:24 [equinox-dev] Equinox contribution to Galileo (3.5) I-Build Thomas Watson
09:52 Re: [equinox-dev] Problem with adding -repack to normalize Pascal Rapicault
09:43 Re: [equinox-dev] is there an option (per jar ) that can be used to skip normalize Andrew Niefer
09:24 Re: [equinox-dev] Problem with adding -repack to normalize Thomas Watson
October 05, 2008
23:00 [equinox-dev] Problem with adding -repack to normalize Janet Dmitrovich
19:41 Re: [equinox-dev] problems with registry change events Jens Dietrich
October 03, 2008
16:25 [equinox-dev] is there an option (per jar ) that can be used to skip normalize Janet Dmitrovich
11:48 Re: [equinox-dev] problems with registry change events Oleg Besedin
October 02, 2008
19:06 Re: [equinox-dev] problems with registry change events Jens Dietrich
13:31 Re: [equinox-dev] problems with registry change events Oleg Besedin
October 01, 2008
16:53 [equinox-dev] problems with registry change events Jens Dietrich
12:25 [equinox-dev] Submissions George Goebel
04:36 [equinox-dev] Pei Ming Hu is out of the office. Pei Ming Hu
03:45 [equinox-dev] Re: Extension registry evolution Gunnar Wagenknecht
September 30, 2008
13:17 Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox code in /cvsroot/eclipse versus /cvsroot/rt Thomas Watson
12:59 [equinox-dev] RE: equinox-dev Digest, Vol 41, Issue 54 George Goebel
11:25 [equinox-dev] Equinox code in /cvsroot/eclipse versus /cvsroot/rt Chris Aniszczyk
September 29, 2008
18:13 [equinox-dev] Equinox contribution to Galileo 3.5 I-Build Thomas Watson
15:08 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Jeff McAffer
14:52 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Oleg Besedin
14:43 [equinox-dev] listening to bug buckets Jeff McAffer
13:59 [equinox-dev] RE: equinox-dev Digest, Vol 41, Issue 52 George Goebel
08:04 Re: [equinox-dev] Problems starting Equinox Aspects on the command line Martin Lippert
03:42 Re: [equinox-dev] Problems starting Equinox Aspects on the command line tharbig
02:15 Re: [equinox-dev] Problems starting Equinox Aspects on the command line Heiko Seeberger
September 28, 2008
15:17 [equinox-dev] Re: Extension registry evolution Gunnar Wagenknecht
02:43 [equinox-dev] Problems starting Equinox Aspects on the command line Thorsten Harbig
September 27, 2008
14:54 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Jeff McAffer
September 26, 2008
17:55 [equinox-dev] plan comments Jeff McAffer
15:14 Fw: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Mark Rogalski
14:10 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Boris Bokowski
11:32 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Mark Rogalski
11:01 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Boris Bokowski
September 25, 2008
01:09 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Stefan Liebig
00:50 Re: [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Heiko Seeberger
September 24, 2008
15:19 [equinox-dev] Extension registry evolution Oleg Besedin
12:34 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Thomas Watson
12:02 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? BJ Hargrave
11:07 Re: [equinox-dev] Match problem when updating p2-ized product Gladyston
09:21 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Danail Nachev
09:02 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Stuart McCulloch
08:58 [equinox-dev] Match problem when updating p2-ized product Torkild Ulvøy Resheim
08:27 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Vinayak Joshi
07:48 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Niclas Hedhman
05:27 Re: [equinox-dev] Sharing objects between GWT modules in different Equinox bundles olivier evalet
05:12 Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Danail Nachev
04:54 [equinox-dev] Is this a bug? Vinayak Joshi
September 23, 2008
14:06 [equinox-dev] Sharing objects between GWT modules in different Equinox bundles Ricardo Giacomin
September 22, 2008
18:18 [equinox-dev] Equinox contribution to Galileo (3.5) I-Build Thomas Watson
September 18, 2008
08:53 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Rob Harrop
08:46 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Thomas Watson
08:20 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Rob Harrop
07:34 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Thomas Watson
06:44 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Rob Harrop
September 17, 2008
12:38 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Rob Harrop
08:02 Re: [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Thomas Watson
00:02 [equinox-dev] Equinox Framework contribution to M2. Thomas Watson
September 16, 2008
12:30 [equinox-dev] Thread Safety Issues Rob Harrop
September 15, 2008
10:52 [equinox-dev] Contribution to 3.5 M2 build. Thomas Watson
September 12, 2008
09:06 Re: [equinox-dev] new equinox builds location Kim Moir
September 11, 2008
18:07 Re: [equinox-dev] new equinox builds location Jeff McAffer

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